10 Things New Moms Should Consider
Your baby is finally here and the joy couldn’t be greater. But the first time after birth is associated with uncertainties for many new moms. With this checklist, parents can start their baby time relaxed.
1. Apply for a birth certificate
One of the most importantformalities after thebirth is the application for the birth certificate. It is necessary both for the application forparental allowanceand for childbenefit. In Germany, it is often already in the clinics, otherwise at the registry office.
2. Apply for parental leave
Parental leavemust be applied for from the employer in good time. Note: The application for parental leave must be submitted at least seven weeks before the planned start of parental leave. If you are employed, you will also go onmaternity leavefor eight weeks after giving birth. Then there is a strict ban on working for you.
3. Have your tax card rewritten
In order for the corresponding allowances to be claimed quickly, the child must be entered on the tax card and that of the partner. The tax office informs expectant parents about all necessary documents.
4. The aftercare midwife helps!
No mother can know everything. Of course, questions arise and one should not be afraid to ask them. Anaftercare midwifeis there for the new parents in the first time after the birth and is on hand with words and deeds. She should definitely be included and therefore be someone with whom you understand each other personally and can speak confidently.
5. Give time to relax
During pregnancy and childbirth, the body has performed at its best. Now is the time to recover. The household should rest and the cooking should be left to someone else. When the baby is sleeping, you should also use the time for a nap or otherwise relax.
6. Allow help
The first weeks as a small family are of course beautiful, but also really exhausting. The new parents first have to adjust to the new situation with baby. It is important to get help, for example in the household or when shopping. So you can organize help in advance for the days after the birth. A mother, siblings or friends will certainly be happy to help.
7. Complete baby equipment
Especially with the first child, parents, relatives and friends are looking forward to giving something to the new citizen of the earth. It is therefore worthwhile to buy only a few very important things before the birth and to simply wish for many points of thebaby equipment. The rest can be bought gradually in the weeks after birth. So everyone can give something beautiful and useful and the new parents save money.
8. Bonding with the baby
The “bonding” in the hours and days after birth promotes the intense relationship between parent and child. In the past, it was assumed that the first hours after birth were formative for the relationship. Today, this view is relativized and thus relieves a lot of pressure, especially from mothers who first have to recover after a difficult birth. Nevertheless, it is nice for the bond when parents and newborn can spend a lot of time together and close to each other.
9. The correct handling of the weekly flow
The so-called weekly flow can last up to eight weeks after birth. It is different in each woman and soon begins to change color from red to pink to brownish and white. Above all,proper hygieneis important during this time to prevent infections.
10. Start regression at the right time
The following applies topostnatal gymnastics: Not too early and, above all, carefully! The tissue weakened by pregnancy and childbirth can be brought back into shape through targeted exercises. This strengthens the pelvic floor muscles again and prevents the risk of developing incontinence at a later age.