41st week of pregnancy: The 41st week of pregnancy at a glance
The space is getting less and less in the 41st week of pregnancy. Your baby therefore sleeps a lot and waits until the exciting journey starts. You can continue to count the movements as a sign that your child is doing well.
The calculated date of birth is finally here, but your baby is in the 41st week of pregnancy? In the case of atransfer, your doctor will examine you regularly and then decide whether to induce the birth.
ToggleYour baby’s development in the 41st week of pregnancy
In the 41st week of pregnancy, your baby is over 50 centimeters tall and weighs about 3,800 grams. Your child is trying to find the most comfortable position possible in the uterus, but his range of motion is getting noticeably smaller. Your child continues to grow. Due to the lack of space, your child now sleeps a lot. It may even sleep through some of thecontractions.
Your child’s bones and organs are already fully mature in the 41st week of pregnancy, the bones are still gaining strength. Only the lungs and brain continue to develop and reach maturity only after birth. You can still count your baby’s movements.
Your body in the 41st week of pregnancy
Even during the 41st week of pregnancy, your body will still change. Inside your vagina, there may be stabbing and burning pain due to your baby’s position. You will continue to perceive your baby’s movements.
Questions about the 41st week of pregnancy
No signs of birth yet?
Once mother and child have finally reached the calculated delivery date after 40 long weeks, they will be examined regularly from now on. If both are well, it is not a problem if a few days pass until the actual delivery. After the due date has been exceeded, your doctor will call you for an examination every two days. If you exceed the appointment by more than 10 days, the check takes place every day.
Withultrasound examinations, your doctor will check whether your baby is well and continues to be well cared for. To do this, he checks the structure of the placenta and the amount and appearance of the amniotic fluid. Only if the examination shows that your child is too small, exceeding the due date is not recommended. In this case, it is better to induce childbirth quickly. The same applies if a child is very tall and weighs more than 4,500 grams. Also in this case it is better to induce the birth, otherwise the baby will continue to gain weight and the birth will be very exhausting for mother and child.
How can I naturally promote labor?
You cannaturally promote your contractions to prevent artificial induction. These natural remedies include acupuncture, homeopathy treatments, warm bathtub, sex, castor oil blend, spicy curry dishes, and lots of exercise.
Tips and hints for the 41st week of pregnancy
Preventive examination in the 41st week of pregnancy
Thecheck-up in the 41st week of pregnancyis used to go through all your data and that of your child again. Normally, the procedure proceeds as with all previous check-ups. In addition, the calculated date of birth is checked again and your baby is examined for its size and location. You may be able to agree to a vaginal exam in which your doctor feels your cervix to see if it is soft and stretchy. That would be good signs of imminent labor. This is followed by a consultation about what is better for your child. Do you want to wait or should the birth be artificially induced? If you decide to have an introduction, an appointment will be made for you at the hospital.
Keep cool
Even if your impatience is growing, you should make sure that you stay relaxed and calm. Often an exceedance of the calculated date of birth is due to the fact that it was calculated incorrectly. So try to stay relaxed. An exceedance is also not unusual. Because two-thirds of all children are born in the period of ten days before to ten days after the calculated date.