Abortion: What types of miscarriages are there?

In the case of a miscarriage, doctors speak of an abortion. Abortion can come in a variety of forms. Here you can find out about the differences and find out when a miscarriage can still be prevented.

Abortion not uncommon in the first few weeks

While a miscarriage is one of the most painful experiences in life for parents, it is often sad routine for many doctors. Unfortunately, a miscarriage, which is known in technical terms as an abortion, is nothing unusual, especially in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. At the time, many women do not even know that they are pregnant and confuse the symptoms caused by the abortion with their menstruation, for example.

Early abortion and late abortion

With such an early miscarriage, doctors speak of an “early abortion”. A miscarriage after the 12th week of pregnancy, on the other hand, is referred to as a “late abortion”. In the case of a late abortion, other causes are usually decisive than in the case of an early abortion. In general, however, it is difficult to determine a clear cause for an abortion. It is therefore often not clarified. You can find out more about the frequency and possible causes in our article “ Miscarriage: When the pregnancy ends early ”.

What forms of abortion doctors distinguish

Being diagnosed with an abortion is terrible. And many affected women would certainly have wished for more empathy from their doctor. Because doctors often convey the terrible knowledge very rationally and soberly. This is sometimes due to medical routine and their purely medical perspective. In the following, we would therefore like to give you an overview of how doctors differentiate between abortion and when it can still be stopped:

Various forms of abortion

Abortion imminens: This form is also referred to as “threatening abortion”. It manifests itself primarily through bleeding. This does not necessarily have to lead to the end of the pregnancy, because bleeding can occur, which is often harmless, especially in early pregnancy. If there are still signs of life from your unborn child and/or you have a certain hormone level, an abortion can often be stopped. The therapy for this must be individually tailored to you. You can find out what such therapy can include in our article “ Signs of a miscarriage ”.

Abortion incipiens: This “beginning abortion” can no longer be stopped. It is associated with heavier bleeding than a threatened miscarriage. In addition, the cervix is ​​already open. In the further course, the abortion can develop in two different ways.

Incomplete abortion : The incipient abortion described can end in an “incomplete abortion”. An incomplete abortion leaves pregnancy residue in your uterus. These usually have to be surgically removed to prevent infection. You can find more information on this in our article “ Causation after a miscarriage ”.

Abortus completus: This is the other form in which an incipient abortion can end. In a “complete abortion,” all pregnancy debris has been expelled from your uterus. A complete abortion usually occurs in early pregnancy and often goes unnoticed.

Missed abortion: This form is also known as a “missed miscarriage”. It usually goes unnoticed because it does not manifest itself through typical symptoms such as bleeding or pain. However, the unborn child no longer shows any signs of life, which is often only determined during an examination by the gynecologist. The remaining tissue in your uterus must be surgically removed.

Abortion febrilis: This form of miscarriage is also called “febrile” or “septic abortion” and can occur in different forms. The most serious course, in which, for example, your blood is contaminated with bacteria or inflammation of the pelvic organs occurs, can also be life-threatening for you.

Habitual abortion: One speaks of the so-called “repeated miscarriage” if you have already suffered two or three miscarriages. You can find out why this can be and what you can do in our article ” Several miscarriages – what can be the reason?”. “.

Suffering from an abortion is a traumatic experience that you have to process. You can find out why this is so important and what processing can look like in our article ” Grief after a miscarriage “. But an abortion is also a natural process that you unfortunately cannot always stop. Make yourself aware that you are not to blame and look positively into the future. Because nothing stands in the way of getting pregnant again.

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