Baby games for your baby from 8 months

At around eight months, your child will make a big leap in their development. Find out here which games are appropriate at this time and promote your child’s new skills.

Here are some game suggestions for you. In this way you can bring joy to your child and support it in its current growth phase. Of course, you should only play all games for as long as your child wants to.

Baby games from eight months

  • The give-and-take game: Your child can spend a very long time giving objects to other people and then immediately taking them back.
  • Building and dismantling the tower: Build a tower with your child, which you can also dismantle step by step. This will give your child a feeling for the categories ‘part’ and ‘whole’.
  • Play with shapes: Let your child experiment with the different shapes. For example, give him different types of building blocks.
  • Touch games: Your child will also be enthusiastic about touching different materials and surfaces. In addition, there are various things in the household (fabrics, crockery, etc.). There is also a large selection of feel-good books on the market.
  • Heavy & light, big & small: Let your child experiment with heavy and light, big and small objects, for example with cardboard, swimming balls or matchboxes.
  • Hide and Seek: The good old game of hide-and-seek: First, you should “hide” yourself in such a way that your child can easily find you. After a while, maybe your child will hide too.
  • Catch games: Catch is also already very popular. Follow your little one around the room and keep teasing them. Crawl away yourself and see if it’s chasing you.
  • Press the switch: All the switches in your area are now extremely interesting for your child. Let them press the doorbell, light switch, elevator or traffic light button and see what happens next. explain it to him
  • Dressing and undressing in front of the mirror: Dress and undress your child in front of the mirror. That sure finds it exciting. A great side effect: Putting on clothes is not so annoying and the screaming is limited.
  • Looking at picture books: Hardly anything is better than looking at picture books with mom. Name the objects and animals and imitate the animal noises.
  • Games with assignments: Your child already understands a lot. Train this ability by giving him orders like “Give me the rattle”. Or hide the music box and ask, “Where’s the music?”
  • Demonstrate and imitate: Your little worm now realizes that he is a human like everyone else. He enjoys imitating others or being imitated himself.
  • Singing and movement games: Singing games such as “Hoppe, Hoppe Reiter” or gesture games such as “Backe, bakekuchen” are now very popular.

Are you curious about the development of your baby at eight months? In our article “ Month 8: Baby Development ” you will find a lot of interesting information.

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