Bacterial infections after cold and flu
A bacterial infection can follow a cold or flu. This is often more dangerous than the common cold or flu itself. Bacterial infections tend to start at a certain point. However, they can also spread to the whole body. We say here what bacterial infections result from cold or flu.
How do bacterial infections arise?
Bacteria in the body are often very useful, such as the gut bacteria. A bacterial infection, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous. In any case, it belongs in the hands of doctors to avoid complications. Infants, premature babies or children with developmental disorders represent a special risk group. Here we reveal which bacterial infections can result from a cold or flu , how to recognize them and what is behind them.
Bacterial infection of the eyes – conjunctivitis
Eye inflammation usually means inflammation of the conjunctiva. This can be painful and affect vision. The eyes are then usually red, swollen, water more than usual or can even be sticky. Conjunctivitis is very uncomfortable for babies. The eyes itch and burn, the baby tries to relieve the irritation by scratching and rubbing. This can carry extra dirt into the eye and further aggravate the inflammation. Conjunctivitis usually subsides without consequences, but it can also be a sign of rheumatism. The eyes are also involved in many rheumatic diseases.
Bacterial infection of the sinuses – sinusitis
Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses. Due to swelling of the mucous membranes, the sinuses can no longer be adequately ventilated and cleaned. The nasal secretion builds up. Bacteria, viruses and sometimes fungi can now multiply well. The consequences are obstructed nasal breathing, fever and headaches . The escaping nasal secretion is often green-yellowish. In children, sinusitis is usually acute and is often accompanied by a cough and sore throat .
Bacterial infection of the tonsils – angina
Tonsillitis can also be quite painful. Children and young adults suffer the most. The throat is very red as the disease progresses, you can hardly swallow and you may also have a fever . The tonsils are swollen and have white-yellow coatings. Children typically have an unpleasant smell from their mouth. A weakened general condition, stress or a weakened immune system can promote the development of tonsillitis.
Middle ear infections – otitis media
Middle ear infections usually occur in connection with a cold or flu. Viruses or bacteria can enter the middle ear through the connection between the ear and the nasopharynx. There, the bacterial infection leads to inflammation. The ear tube swells, preventing fluid and pus from draining. Stinging or throbbing earaches are the result. You can usually also feel some pressure in the ear. Hearing is probably reduced overall. Babies often pull their ears when they have a middle ear infection, cry, drink little and often have a fever. The disease is particularly common between the ages of four and six.
Bronchitis and pneumonia – pneumonia
In bronchitis, the mucous membranes of the bronchi become inflamed. Signs of bronchitis are fever, purulent sputum, difficult breathing or chills. If the bronchitis gets worse, it can lead to pneumonia (bronchopneumonia). The symptoms then become more severe and chest pain can also occur. Bronchopneumonia primarily affects infants and toddlers. However, normal inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) can also occur without previous bronchitis.
Bacterial infection of the inner lining of the heart – endocarditis
The inside of the heart and the heart valves are covered with a thin skin. In endocarditis, this membrane becomes inflamed. This usually happens due to bacteria that have entered the bloodstream. As a result, the heart valves can be destroyed and heart valve defects can remain. Cardiac inflammation is particularly common in children. It occurs very rarely after the age of 25. Those affected often suffer from chills and fever. Many break out in sweats and have no appetite. Palpitations and tachycardia are also signs of endocarditis.