Cravings and cravings during pregnancy
Sour pickles with Nutella, gummy bears with Rollmops or vanilla ice cream with Mettwurst – all just clichés? No not really. While one pregnant woman’s face loses color at the mere thought of food or the smell, the other happily dips pickles in chocolate sauce. The hormonal changes in the body of the pregnant woman are to blame.
Cravings: The hormones are to blame
During pregnancy, the hormone balance in your body changes and the result can be, among other things, the strangest cravings. Because one third of the women react to the escalating amount of the hormone beta-HCG with nausea, the rest mainly with constant hunger. The hormones also change your sense of smell and your saliva. Your sense of taste is also affected, and your food preferences change. The main task of your body is now to protect the unborn child. He tells you what is good for the baby and what is missing. Perhaps you have already experienced how repulsive the smell of alcohol or cigarettes suddenly seems to you? This is how your body tells you which substances can harm the baby.
Cravings as a sign of deficiency?
Researchers suspect that the same thing could happen during a food craving. If the body lacks substances that the baby needs, it sends out signals. These are intended to encourage the pregnant woman to choose suitable foodsto take. If there is a deficiency, for example of protein, the body can respond with an increased desire for protein-containing products. What is certain, however, is that this system works when it comes to supplying calories. Slim women in particular often have cravings for sweet or hearty foods during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the body does not know that famine is not imminent. He tries to build up fat reserves for bad times to ensure the baby’s health. These processes are very complex and have not yet been fully researched. It is clear that your body does not take into account common taste conventions. Through food cravings and cravings, he takes what he needs.
Eat a balanced meal first…
Can you now say to yourself every time you reach for the Nutella jar: “My body needs this now”? Unfortunately, as is so often the case, the answer is yes. It depends on the right measure when living out the cravings. Physicians strongly advise pregnant women not to overindulge or eat too much during pregnancy. It is important to create a good basis for the care of your child with a balanced and varied diet. However, under no circumstances should you suppress your cravings and cravings for the entire pregnancy, because then you will become dissatisfied and this can also be passed on to your child. Therefore, just make sure that you create a good basis every day with a balanced diet with the right macro and micronutrients. In our special “ Nutrition during pregnancy ” you will find a food check. He explains which foods are particularly recommended. In our recipes you will find many great suggestions for what you can cook with the recommended foods. This means more fruit, vegetables and fish on the table.
… then sin from time to time!
If you have created a solid basis with a good diet, you can sin from time to time and indulge in your cravings. It is best to set a “sweets budget” per day or week. This will ensure that your candy consumption doesn’t get out of control. And you’re still in a good mood. Of course, this also applies to other less recommended foods. However, you should still strictly avoid some foods such as alcohol, raw milk cheese and lemonade containing quinine. You can read about which foods you should not eat or should be strictly removed from your diet in our article “ These things pregnant women should not eat ”.