Naturopathy for school problems and in puberty

School means a lot of pressure and stress for many children. Herbal remedies can help your child manage exam anxiety and trouble concentrating. Herbal medicines are also helpful against moodiness and menstrual pain.

As a parent, you wish your child a good schoolday and that they enjoy going to school. If this is not the case, you are quickly faced with a riddle: What are the reasons for this? How can you help your child? In order to take away any shyness and fears of your child about school, there are some herbal remedies. Below we list the most common ailments of school children and adolescents and explain how some of these problems can be alleviated with the help of herbal remedies . Exact dosing is required not only for the use of chemically synthesized drugs, but also for naturopathic drugs. So you should talk to your pediatrician. He can question your observations in more detail and give you further tips.

Naturopathy for school problems

  • Fear: If your child is very afraid of failure, is very nervous and fidgety or suffers from exam anxiety, you can help them with various combinations of medicinal plants from the pharmacy. In this situation, for example, St. John’s wort with valerian , ginger with ginkgo or passion flower can be used.
  • Difficulty concentrating, learning difficulties, forgetfulness, being overwhelmed: If your child has trouble concentrating, seems to daydream and is easily distracted by every little thing, it is very likely that he or she is suffering from concentration disorders. If it is very forgetful, overwhelmed with schoolwork and has problems learning, you can help it with herbal remedies such as fenugreek , rosemary or peppermint . You can find out how to use these medicinal plants in our medicinal plant lexicon. However, if the symptoms are very pronounced and permanent, you should definitely seek medical advice.
  • Nervousness, restlessness, ADHD: If your child is often nervous and restless, this can lead to sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating and learning problems. Very overexcited children are often quite exhausting and simply do not come to rest. Parents often associate this with a suspicion of ADHD. The often suspected ADHD stands for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a mental disorder characterized by attention problems, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity or hypoactivity. You can read more about this in our article on ADHD. There are also herbal remedies for nervousness and restlessness. So has passion flower in the form of tea as well as valerianproven in many cases. In our medicinal plant encyclopedia you will find out more about the preparation and use of passion flower and valerian. However, if you have particularly severe and persistent symptoms and if you suspect ADHD, you should definitely consult a doctor!
  • Tooth decay: Milk teeth are particularly susceptible to tooth decay because they have soft enamel. Critical areas are above all the furrows of the chewing surfaces of the rear deciduous molars and the front teeth. In the case of tooth decay, you can relieve your child’s pain with green tea , tea tree oil or clove oil . These medicinal plants also manage to prevent tooth decay. In addition, you should always visit a dentist.

Naturopathy in puberty

In the high phase of puberty, you probably hardly recognize your child. It rebels against your rules and frightens you with moodiness. No wonder that the transition phase from childhood to adulthood is often exhausting and tiring for everyone involved. Your child’s hormonal balance changes, it no longer understands itself and the world and questions everything. It’s normal for a teenager to often feel alone at this stage. At the same time, however, he refuses help because he wants to master his life himself.

In the following we list the most common complaints of young people and give you information about their treatment with the help of herbal medicine. However, if your child’s symptoms do not improve over time, then you should see a doctor.

  • Anger, aggression, irritability, tantrums: your child’s body changes during puberty. It’s slowly growing up. The hormonal change leads to a great emotional chaos in many teenagers. For the parents, this often manifests itself in rebellion, moodiness, anger and aggression. We all had to go through it – some more intensely than others. In addition to a lot of patience, naturopathy can also help in special situations. If your child is feeling particularly irritable and restless, soothing teas or aromatherapy can help your child (and you). Tea made from valerian or lemon balmas well as scented oils from lemon balm or rose have proven themselves. When in doubt, they relax both of you in this sometimes difficult time. You can find out how to prepare and use these medicinal plants correctly in our medicinal plant lexicon. Just enjoy these short breaks for two.
  • Acne: During puberty, the skin of many young people often changes. Pimples develop and keep the teenager “suffering”. They often arise due to hormonal changes. Excess sebum clogs the pores. If special bacteria are also present, this usually leads to very unpleasant and cosmetically disturbing inflammations on the face, forehead and neck. Medicinal plants such as calendula and sage can also be useful.
  • Greasy hair: Hormones change during puberty and excess talc is produced. This often manifests itself in pimples, but greasy hair can also be expected. Naturopathy also offers herbal remedies that can help your child. Read how tea tree oil and thyme can help with oily hair.
  • Dandruff: Not only greasy hair during puberty, but also a lack of blood circulation can contribute to dandruff formation. Your child’s hair may be stringy and dull, and greasy dander may come off when brushing. You can make herbal anti-dandruff shampoo with the medicinal plants thyme , horsetail and rosemary or with tea tree oil .
  • Moodiness, emotional lows: Due to massive changes in the hormonal control circuits, moodiness often occurs in teenagers. School stress, acute grief (including lovesickness) and a lack of self-confidence can also make your child irritable and bitchy. With the help of St. John’s wort, your child can get his moods under control and, above all, overcome emotional lows. In our medicinal plant encyclopedia you will learn how to properly prepare and use St. John’s wort .
  • Period: If your daughter’s period is very heavy and she suffers from cramping abdominal pain, you can give her rose or dead nettle blossom tea. Find out in our medicinal plant encyclopedia how rose blossoms and dead nettle blossoms can relieve menstrual pain.
  • Vaginal inflammation: The reason for vaginal inflammation is often a fungal infection, which causes itchy, white-yellowish vaginal discharge. In addition, the vagina often swells and is sensitive to touch. Urinating is also usually very painful. Tea tree oil has antifungal properties and may help fight inflammation. In addition to treatment with herbal medicines, you should always consult a gynecologist.

Read other articles in the naturopathy guide, for example, what you can do about complaints…

  • in newborns ,
  • in babies and toddlers ,
  • and typical childhood illnesses.

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