Nursery: concept and costs for setting up
The crèche is a care facility for children who are not yet going to kindergarten, i.e. are younger than three years. Here you can find out more about daycare and what costs you should expect.
In principle, a crèche is similar to a kindergarten. The difference, however, is that only children under the age of three are cared for. Because the small children need special care, the groups are also smaller than in a kindergarten. There are different regulations from facility to facility as to when the little ones are admitted. For example, the minimum age in Braunschweig is eight weeks. If it is clear to you that you will only be taking a short break from work after the birth, you should register your child in a crèche while you are pregnant. You can usually get corresponding lists of institutions from your responsible youth welfare office. But also churches and charities, such as “The German Red Cross”, can usually help.
The concept of a crèche at a glance
- Goals: Your child will be supported from the start in the crèche. The focus is on fine and gross motor skills as well as mental and cognitive development. This is implemented, for example, by playing together, doing gymnastics, singing, handicrafts and painting.
- Language: Language education begins on the first day in the crèche, because your child perceives the world with all its senses, it hears the voices of the educators and all other noises. In addition to role-playing games, songs, rhyming poems and stories support your child in learning their mother tongue. Personal, verbal communication is just as important as non-verbal communication using gestures, facial expressions and posture.
- Changing diapers: In the crèche, your child will be changed by the educators according to their individual rhythm. However, you must bring the diapers, additional care products and a change of clothes to the facility and deposit them there. There are also crèches that buy the care products themselves and charge them as additional costs.
- Adjustment phase: Both your child and yourself need some time to get used to the new situation. Because the entry of your child into the crèche is certainly the first longer separation for you. The design of the acclimatization phase should therefore be as gentle as possible. Many facilities offer parents the opportunity to experience everyday life in the crèche together with their child at first. The Berlin model is best suited for getting used to it . You should therefore plan at least one to two weeks before starting work to organize the transition phase.
- Age Groups: Nurseries usually mix age groups together as the younger ones can learn a lot from the older children. They develop their skills automatically along this path.
- Daily routine: In the crèche, the daily routine is characterized by stable and predictable time sequences. The fixed rituals and clear rules not only make living together easier, but also give your child structure and security. The common sleep and rest phases are also particularly important in the daily routine. In many crèches, falling asleep can be made easier by bringing cuddly toys or pacifiers with you.
- Activities: In the crèche, a large part of the day consists of “free play time”. During this time, your child can decide for themselves where, what and with whom to play. In free play, your child deals with the world, explores it and tries it out for himself. Your child finds out how and what it can achieve with its powers, for example when pushing or moving objects. In addition to free play, the crèche also offers specific activities to promote and educate your child.
- Meals: Your child receives age-appropriate meals in the crèche. But you can usually breastfeed it there as well. There is also the possibility that your offspring drinks your expressed breast milk or formula.
- Transition to kindergarten: Your child will also be prepared for the transition to kindergarten in the crèche. Some crèches have a “partner kindergarten” which they visit from time to time. Your child can get to know the future environment, the educators and the other children.
- Cooperation with parents: The crèche works closely with parents. The employees of the facility are always the contact persons for your concerns and needs. The staff will give you regular feedback on the development of your child. In addition, parents’ evenings are held in the crèche and you can take part in joint activities.
Nursery costs
The fees for a place in a crèche are different in each municipality, as the facilities are financed exclusively by public funds. The funds are provided in different proportions by the federal government, the respective federal state and the responsible municipality. Usually, most municipalities stagger the amount of the fees according to your income. However, not all municipalities are obliged to stagger contributions. The costs for a place in a municipal crèche are made up of the care and food costs
You usually pay more for a place in a private crèche than for a municipal crèche. Such institutions are maintained by independent sponsors and finance themselves proportionately from public funds, donations and membership fees. Supporters are, for example, welfare organizations such as Caritas or parents’ initiatives . A private crèche often charges an income-independent parental contribution as well as a one-off admission fee. You can simply ask the management or the institution responsible for the fees.
Nursery costs: reductions and tax breaks
It is often worth checking whether you are entitled to a reduction in daycare fees. Especially if your family has a low income or you receive state benefits such as unemployment benefit II or social assistance. You can then apply to the responsible youth welfare office for the assumption or reduction of the childcare costs.
You also have the option of claiming the costs of the crèche for tax purposes. You can deduct up to two thirds of the childcare costs per year, up to a maximum of EUR 4,000, through your tax return. You can find out more about this in our article “Deduct childcare costs from tax ”.