Parent initiative: Prerequisites for founding
A parent initiative is set up by parents and manages day-care centres, playgroups or after-school care. Find out here which requirements you meet and what you should consider if you want to set up a parent initiative.
A parents’ initiative is often founded by parents when they are dissatisfied with the care situation for their children, for example because there are not enough places in the day care center or the educators are not implementing the pedagogical concept as desired. The parents then start an initiative together and found, among other things, day-care centres, playgroups or enable afternoon care. In the following we give you tips on what you should consider if you want to found a parent initiative.
Set up an association as a parent initiative
If you want to set up a parents’ initiative, it is often an advantage to set up a non-profit association for this purpose . Because this legal form is often a prerequisite for the parent initiative to be financed and promoted from public funds.
In order to found an association, at least seven people must come together, who first determine the association’s statutes and the purpose of the association in a founding meeting. As a founder, you should therefore agree, for example, how many children of what age should be cared for and which pedagogical concept should be pursued. According to this, an elected association board must apply to the responsible district court via a notary for entry in the register of associations and recognition of non-profit status at the local tax office.
Finally, the youth welfare committee must recognize your registered association and thus also the parents’ initiative as “sponsors of free youth welfare” in accordance with Section 75 of the Children and Youth Welfare Act (KJHG).
It is also possible to join the parents’ initiative with an existing association in your area. You can usually get the addresses from the local youth welfare agency or from umbrella organizations of parent initiatives.
Financing of the parent initiative
Parents who want to organize the care of their children together through a parents’ initiative have a right to advice and partial financing from the state . This financial aid must be applied for both at the municipality and at the state. However, the details vary from state to state. You should therefore inform yourself in advance about the general conditions in your federal state. The competent state youth welfare office or welfare organizations can help you with these issues. After the funds have been paid out, you must provide evidence of their use. The grant providers also have the appropriate forms for this, which you must submit to them carefully and on time.
Tax liability of the parent initiative
If a parents’ initiative is not founded as part of a non-profit association, it must comply with the tax liability. Business accounting is also part of your duty, because it must be submitted to the tax office at least every three years in addition to income tax. You should therefore keep all important documents.
Note: As a non-profit association, you must prove that the exemption from tax liability is justified during ongoing operations.
Premises for the parent initiative
As a parent initiative, it is very important to have suitable premises. Youth welfare office, health department, building authority and fire protection check and confirm before commissioning whether the rented rooms are “suitable”. Each state has its own regulations. Basically, the premises should…
- provide enough space to play and move
- have suitable play and activity materials
- be accident-proof
- meet a high standard of hygiene
- be provided with sufficient sleeping accommodation
- offer the opportunity to play and experience nature
The rented premises must then be managed and supplied by you. Administration includes:
- rental payments
- Monitoring of the payroll accounting
- Depending on the rental contract, prepayments for energy supply, water and sewerage fees as well as for garbage collection
- Building insurance premiums
- Care and maintenance of the building
All necessary safety measures must also be implemented. For example, fire extinguishers and first aid kits must be installed. In addition, escape routes must be set up. Your board of directors should designate a contact person who will take care of security issues and regular maintenance.
The parent initiative needs staff
The parents’ initiative is of course also dependent on staff for the educational care of the children. The employment creates an employer and employee relationship. This entails legal rights and obligations for both parties. The employer side is represented by the board of your parent initiative. The tasks as an employer are for example:
- conclusion of employment contracts
- determination of salaries. Collective agreements offer you an orientation for remuneration
- Carrying out staff bookings
- accounting
- Compliance with the work order. For example, you should make sure that you comply with the legal requirements for working hours.
- Take out necessary insurance
- Creation of job references
When planning your personnel, you should make sure that you meet the minimum requirements for the care key in order to obtain the operating permit from the public youth welfare agency in the respective federal state. On the other hand, you have to think about your self-imposed pedagogical concept, since certain quality criteria for the staff must also be affordable.
If you would like to set up a parent initiative, you can also contact the nationwide organization of umbrella organizations for parent initiatives, the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Elterninitiativen eV (BAGE). Throughout Germany, more than twenty advice and contact points offer, among other things, start-up advice.