Pregnancy Signs: Pregnant?
Do you often feel dizzy and your breasts are more sensitive? These could be the first signs of pregnancy. Here you can find out which signs could indicate that you are expecting a baby.
There is one clear sign of pregnancy: If you are pregnant, you will not have your period. However, most women already know beforehand that they are pregnant. There are various signs that can indicate pregnancy.
What are typical signs of pregnancy?
Very early signs of pregnancy are morning sickness , tiredness or increased discharge. Many women suffer from increased breast sensitivity and a feeling of tightness. They get bigger and the areolas get darker. Dizziness is also common during pregnancy.
Women often quickly notice the hormone-related changes that pregnancy brings with it. You then feel, for example, an increased urge to urinate. Many women have cravings for certain foods. On the other hand, there is a great disgust with certain foods or stimulants, such as alcohol and cigarettes.
When you are pregnant, your body temperature also changes. The temperature then does not drop as usual shortly before the expected menstrual period, but remains high. However, the temperature change alone is not proof of pregnancy, as a cold can also be behind it.
During pregnancy you have to consider many things and at the same time you have countless questions. Fortunately, there is a huge amount of literature that can give you valuable tips in every situation. In this article we have put together beautiful, helpful and funny books for you that will accompany you through your pregnancy.