Prenatal Care Plan: Schedule
Plan your prenatal care with our care planner. It gives you an overview of all upcoming prenatal care appointments. Learn more about the prenatal check-ups required by maternity guidelines and what optional services your doctor can offer you.
With the MomaSquad Prenatal Care Plan you always have an overview of all preventive care appointments. This way you can inform yourself each month in a relaxed manner about what awaits you in which month and what needs to be done.
Examinations and appointments in the 1st month
early pregnancy test
You can take an early test up to 5 to 6 days before your expected period. Unfortunately, the proportion of false test results here is very high, so you should definitely do a real urine test a week later. In addition, in the days before the period begins, many pregnancies are still interrupted by nature as part of a so-called “early birth”. Therefore, many women find it more comfortable to simply wait a few more days.
Examinations and appointments in the 2nd month
pregnancy test
Your period is late, a pregnancy test from the pharmacy will now be able to confirm that you are pregnant. Early signs of pregnancy include frequent urination, breast changes and morning sickness.
initial examination
Your gynecologist will confirm the pregnancy as part of an initial examination and use an ultrasound to check whether the egg cell has implanted properly in the uterus. In a detailed conversation, the anamnesis, your doctor asks about your medical history and previous pregnancies, miscarriages or abortions. He also keeps track of any hereditary diseases in the family. Your blood group, your Rhesus factor and your hemoglobin value (proportion of red blood cells) are determined by means of a blood test. An antibody screening test is used to determine which infectious diseases you are immune to. This ensures that you and the baby are protected against potentially dangerous diseases during pregnancy (such as rubella) are protected. A urine test is used to rule out further infections (e.g. a urinary tract infection ).
maternity pass
All results are recorded in your maternity record. It is best if you always have the maternity pass with you in the future. This means that another doctor can treat you properly in an emergency. As soon as the doctor has an accurate picture of your state of health, he will discuss the further course of the prenatal care with you. Feel free to ask your doctor any questions that are important to you.
Optional tests
Gynecologists recommend an HIV test . Because if you know about an infection early in the pregnancy, you can better protect the child from possible infection. A test for toxoplasmosis is often offered as an option during the initial examination.
In the first few months, check-ups take place every three to four weeks. It is best to let the next appointment be given to you directly.
look for a midwife
You have the choice of having your check-ups carried out by a midwife or a gynaecologist. If you choose a midwife, talk to her about planning your care. This way you can get to know each other and plan your pension. For example, would you like to share the appointments between the midwife and the gynaecologist? This is also possible, you just have to discuss it with both of you beforehand.
Examinations and appointments in the 3rd month
First check-up
The first check-up is not as detailed as the initial check-up. Your doctor or midwife can already determine the baby’s heartbeat during the first check-up. For most pregnant women, this is a wonderful first moment with their baby. Swabs can also be taken today to prevent cancer and rule out a chlamydia infection .
As with any preventive medical check-up, your weight and blood pressure will be measured, your urine and blood examined, and the height of the uterus and the child’s heartbeat checked.
The first check- up is often directly linked to the first ultrasound screening .
First ultrasound screening
As part of the first check-up, the first ultrasound screening is usually carried out. However, it can also be done in a separate appointment. The first ultrasound examination is mainly about an exact determination of the gestational age and the expected date of birth. Your doctor will measure the embryo and compare the values with distribution curves. He also pays attention to the heart activity of the child and can tell you whether you are expecting multiples .
Optional tests
As part of the first check-up appointments, your doctor will talk to you about the option of a first trimester screening . It is used for the early detection of malformations and chromosomal anomalies such as Down’s syndrome. As part of the screening, a nuchal translucency measurement is carried out and other laboratory values are determined. The screening is not part of the examinations recommended by the maternity guidelines and unfortunately you have to pay for it yourself. However, it is recommended for many pregnant women, especially so-called risk pregnant women.
From the 11th week, a chorionic villus biopsy can provide certainty about certain malformations and hereditary diseases. However, it is only recommended if there is a concrete suspicion (e.g. conspicuous first trimester screening). For this purpose, placental tissue is removed and examined through a puncture.
inform employers
It is very important that you inform your employer about the pregnancy . Only then are you entitled to the benefits of maternity leave. Our tips will make the conversation a little easier for you.
Examinations and appointments in the 4th month
Nuchal translucency measurement (first trimester screening)
The nuchal translucency can be measured between the 12th and 14th week as part of the first trimester screening . For this purpose, the neck crease of the baby, which is particularly easy to recognize during this period, is measured with the ultrasound. With further laboratory values and information, this measurement is included in the probability calculation of the screening. In most cases, however, no abnormalities are noticed. Many pregnant women take advantage of this opportunity to determine the risk, since it can be carried out without any health risk for the child.
Second check-up
As with any check-up, your weight will be recorded, your blood pressure measured, urine and blood samples examined, and the height of the uterus and the child’s heartbeat checked.
Optional tests
If your doctor observes any abnormalities (e.g. on the ultrasound or during the first trimester screening), he will talk to you about carrying out an amniotic fluid test or other prenatal diagnostic tests. But this is rarely the case.
If your doctor observes any abnormalities (e.g. on the ultrasound or during the first trimester screening), he will talk to you about carrying out an amniotic fluid test or other prenatal diagnostic tests. With them, some diseases and malformations can be ruled out with certainty. However, amniocentesis is rarely used. In the vast majority of pregnancies, there are no abnormalities.
childbirth classes
In order to get a place in the childbirth preparation course of your choice, you should first obtain information about the various offers. Many birth centers, midwife practices and clinics offer a wide range of courses. However, it is worth registering early because some courses (e.g. weekend courses) are very popular.
Examinations and appointments in the 5th month
Third check-up
From the second trimester of pregnancy, the position of the child in the uterus is checked regularly. As with any check-up, your weight and blood pressure will be measured, urine and blood examined, and the level of the uterus and the child’s heartbeat checked. In addition, the second ultrasound examination can be made.
Second ultrasound examination (abdominal ultrasound)
The second ultrasound screening is usually carried out during the third or fourth check-up appointment. The focus this time is whether the baby’s organs are developing well and whether it is growing normally. Your doctor will also check the structure of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid to draw conclusions about the baby’s care. Most practices now also carry out a so-called Doppler sonography as part of the planned ultrasoundthrough. It can be used to visualize the flow rate of the blood in the vessels of the pregnant woman and the baby. This type of display facilitates the early detection of pregnancy-related diseases such as preeclampsia and fetal growth disorders. During the second ultrasound scan you might find out whether you are having a boy or a girl – if you want to know.
Fourth check-up
As with any check-up, your weight and blood pressure will be measured, urine and blood examined, and the height of the uterus, position and heartbeat of the child checked. As a rule, you will also be examined vaginally to feel the condition of the cervix and the position of the child.
Optional tests
Most practices carry out the glucose tolerance test (measurement of blood sugar levels) as a routine examination in order to detect any gestational diabetes in good time.
Examinations and appointments in the 6th month
Look at clinics and birth centers
It is best to gather information now about maternity clinics and birthing centers in your area and think about where you would like to give birth. Maybe you decide to have a home birth ? Then you should contact freelance midwives at an early stage. This way you can get to know her early and make sure that she also has time.
Fifth check-up
As with any check-up, your weight and blood pressure will be measured, urine and blood examined, and the height of the uterus, position and heartbeat of the child checked. During the blood test, your doctor pays attention to the hemoglobin level, as he can be sure that your baby is being supplied with sufficient oxygen and that your body’s iron stores are not depleted. You may be examined vaginally to feel the condition of the cervix and the position of the child.
Optional tests
If your blood is rhesus-negative (rarely occurs), a second antibody screening test is usually carried out during this period of pregnancy in order to rule out the development of rhesus intolerance . The blood sample taken for this is also examined for antibodies to other infections.
Examinations and appointments in the 7th month
Sixth check-up
As with any check-up, your weight and blood pressure will be measured, urine and blood examined, and the height of the uterus, position and heartbeat of the child checked. You may be examined vaginally to feel the condition of the cervix and the position of the child.
Women who are rhesus negative may now be given anti-D prophylaxis to prevent rhesus intolerance. But this is still possible after birth. Now the third ultrasound examination can be done.
Third ultrasound screening
At the third ultrasound scan, your doctor will check your child’s organ development and growth again to make sure it is developing normally. The position, composition and size of the placenta are also taken into account and the amount of amniotic fluid is determined. The position of the child is also starting to play a role, because it is becoming cramped in the uterus. Many babies are already slowly turning into the correct position for birth. But that can change even more often now, some children are still very mobile.
Examinations and appointments in the 8th month
Beginning of a childbirth preparation course
During this period, most pregnant women start their birth preparation course. It is therefore advisable to register in good time. Most pregnant women attend week-long courses, but some choose to do an intensive weekend course.
Seventh check-up
In addition to the usual examinations – weight, blood pressure, growth of the uterus and position and heartbeat of the child – the hemoglobin level will be measured again and you will be tested for the infectious disease hepatitis B.
The third ultrasound screening can also be carried out as part of the seventh check-up.
Financial Grants
- Privately insured : It is best to inquire at the Federal Insurance Office early on how to apply for maternity benefit there.
- Unemployed : It is best to contact the Federal Employment Agency now and clarify what you are entitled to.
Eighth check-up
From now on, in addition to the usual examinations, the so-called CTG will also be used. The device is often also called a contraction recorder and checks your baby’s heartbeat and whether you are already in labor .
From the 32nd week of pregnancy , check-ups take place every two weeks.
Examinations and appointments in the 9th month
Pack clinic offers
Your hospital case should now be packed so that you can leave quickly if the birth starts suddenly.
Every two weeks you have appointments with your midwife or doctor to examine you and the baby. A CTG is now also carried out regularly. Therefore, you should bring a little more time with you than with the first check-up appointments.
maternity leave and parental allowance
Your maternity leave officially begins this week . Now is a good time to find out about parental allowance from your local child-raising allowance office. It is best to submit the application later with the birth certificate to the responsible office.
Apply for maternity benefit (statutory insured)
If you have statutory health insurance, now is also a good time to apply for maternity benefit. For this you need a certificate of the expected date of delivery, which you submit to your health insurance company. After the birth, you submit a certificate (from the registry office) to your health insurance company about the actual date of birth.
Examinations and appointments in the 10th month
This week is the expected due date. Medical check-ups: From now on, the appointments will take place every two days . You and your baby will be examined, the position of the child, the amount of amniotic fluid and the structure of the placenta will be checked. A CTG examines the baby’s heartbeat and your contractions.
Your baby is now a week overdue . Chances are your midwife or doctor has already talked to you about natural ways to stimulate labour. The check-up appointments are now being changed to a daily rhythm in order to be able to react in good time if the baby’s state of health changes.
If your baby is more than 10 days past due, most doctors recommend induction .
Your baby is here! Now it’s about getting to know each other and resting in the confinement . Your doctor will make an appointment with you some time after the birth so that he can check the healing process after the birth.