Preterm labor: You can recognize them by these signs
Preterm labor is sometimes difficult to distinguish from exercise labor. Find out here when you should go to the doctor, what causes preterm labor and what you can do about it.
Signs of preterm labor
Premature labor is difficult to distinguish fromexercise contractionsin terms of their severity. In general, you should pay attention to how regularly your stomach hardens during pregnancy. If you are unsure, always ask your midwife or doctor to be on the safe side.
If your contractions occur more regularly before the36th week of pregnancy, i.e. more than three to four times per hour or more than ten times a day, it could be premature labor. In this case, apremature birthmay threaten and you should talk to a doctor immediately for safety. If the contractions are accompanied by bleeding, discharge or severe abdominal or back pain, this may also be an indication of premature labor.
Reasons for preterm labor
When and what exactly contractions are triggered has not yet been sufficiently researched. Therefore, it is not entirely clear why preterm labor occurs in some women. However, it is assumed that the following points are related:
- Urinary tract infection
- Infections in the genital area
- Diseases or malformations of the uterus
- Placental insufficiency (undersupply of the baby)
- Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or asthma
- Hormonal disorders
- Infections, malformations or diseases of the baby
- Multiple pregnancies
- Alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs
- Stress
- Premature rupture of the bladder
- Deficiency symptoms, such asmagnesium deficiency
What helps if labor starts too early?
If you are really in preterm labor, your doctor can give you anti-labor medication to stop the birth so that your baby has enough time to develop. Sometimes it can also help if pregnant women allow themselves more rest and avoid stress.