Successfully master classwork
Classwork is a test of nerves for students. This shows who has learned well and who still has to catch up on learning material. It is important to prepare adequately for class work so that it does not turn out to be a flop. We will show you how you can help your child and what you can do if your child suffers from test anxiety or is very nervous about class work.
Class tests are used to check whether the students have understood the subject matter and can apply it. The grade of the class work is largely included in the overall grade, which is made up of the participation and smaller work, such as tests or presentations. Of course, the class tests should therefore be particularly good.
Things to know about class work
In contrast to tests, class assignments cannot be written unannounced. They include larger learning units from several school hours and are written about two to three times a semester in main subjects such as German, mathematics and English. The syllabus stipulates how much time is provided for the processing of the examination tasks. As a rule, class work lasts at least one lesson (45 minutes) and up to four lessons.
Prepare class work properly
For class tests and tests, it is important that your child is well prepared and feels safe. You can help him by observing the following points:
- Stay informed: Clarify with your child when classwork will be written in which subject and which topics will be queried.
- Viewing materials: Look at the teaching materials (worksheets, notes, etc.) and lessons in the textbook that are relevant for the class tests.
- Check knowledge: Talk to your child about which topics and tasks they are good at and which ones they are still having difficulties with.
- Create a learning plan: Create a learning plan in which you divide the school material over several days. Start with the tasks and topics that are easy for your child. In this way, unconscious knowledge gaps are discovered at an early stage and you can slowly work your way up to the more difficult tasks. Also, plan a sufficient period of time for practice. You should start preparing about a week before class work.
- Practice and repeat: Before class work, go through the tasks and topics with your child that are still causing problems and be available to answer any questions. When you have worked through a topic, repeat it briefly the next day to consolidate your knowledge. It often helps to ask questions about what has been learned or to have the child present it.
- Praise and encourage: Also make sure that you praise your child for successfully completed tasks and encourage them when they don’t know what to do. In this way, your child will become more self-confident and will not get too scared of exams.
Learn in stages for class work
Studying everything at once for hours before class work in one day is not a good idea. Our brain is only receptive for a certain period of time – everything that is learned beyond that is badly remembered and what has already been learned can even be displaced by the new knowledge and forgotten again. It is better to practice and repeat the tasks and topics in stages. This is much more effective and stress-free than learning “at the last minute”.
Organized and relaxed the day before class work
Your child should not learn anything new the day before class work. Go through what you have learned in a relaxed manner and use the rest of the day to play and relax. It is best for your child to pack their school bag in the evening to avoid unnecessary stress in the morning. Check whether your child has thought of everything: Has it packed writing materials, fountain pen cartridges for refilling, the class work book, set square, compass and so on? Also make sure that your child does not go to bed too late so that they are rested on the day of the test.
Well strengthened and self-confident immediately before class tests
Make sure that your child gets up on time on the day of class work so that there is no rush. A balanced breakfast provides you with enough energy, because with an empty stomach your child has difficulty concentrating and gets tired more quickly. Encourage your child again and give them a hug. This strengthens his self-confidence and takes away some of his nervousness before class tests.
In addition to your encouragement, you can also equip your child with a small talisman, for example a pendant or a lucky stone, and thus strengthen it. Peppermint lozenges or similar can also take away the excitement if they are titled “concentration pills”. If your child is very afraid of exams, you can also give them homeopathic remedies to calm them down .
When you arrive at school, there are of course many classmates who have discussions about what is important in class tests and what could be asked about. However, this should not make your child feel insecure. In such moments, he can encourage himself and say: “I have learned enough. I’m well prepared, so I’ll make it too!”
Tips on how to proceed correctly in class work
Despite good preparation, a lot can still go wrong during class tests. For example, because your child suddenly blacked out, misread the task, or got stuck on a task and wasted time. To avoid this, your child should do the following for class work:
- Read the assignment carefully several times.
- Clarify any remaining questions with the teacher.
- Start with the easy ones and put the harder ones at the end.
- If you get stuck, leave a gap and try the task again later if you have time.
- In between, take a deep breath and relax for about a minute.
- Read through class work before handing it in and correct mistakes.
With these tips, your child will be well prepared for class work. If your child still brings bad grades home with him, our article “What to do about bad grades?” may be of some help to you.