Tips for dealing with bad eaters
“I’m not hungry!” and “I don’t like it!” Two typical statements that every mother probably hears. But what if your child regularly doesn’t want to empty the plate? At the Research Institute for Child Nutrition in Dortmund (FKE), we found out how best to deal with a “bad eater” and have put together good tips for you.
When children have little or no appetite, most mothers worry. But in most cases the worries are unfounded, because it is normal for children to eat more and less. How much your child eats also depends on whether it moves a lot or little and whether it is built rather delicately or strongly. For example, a child playing football needs more energy than a child drawing a picture at home. However, if you notice that your child is constantly tired, pale and listless, then it is time to see the pediatrician .
ToggleHeight and weight: How to recognize bad eaters
However, the most obvious indicator of your child’s adequate nutritional intake is the development of weight and growth. The pediatrician checks this for younger children at every U-examination and documents it in the preventive care booklet. If the development of your child is questionable, he would point this out to you and recommend appropriate measures. With the help of our height and weight table you can find out in advance whether the height and weight of your child correspond to the average values.
Accept the natural feeling of fullness
But how can you convince your child to eat the plate empty? The answer is: not at all! Let your child decide for themselves how much they want to eat and under no circumstances force them to eat everything even though they are already full. Because a child who is constantly being pushed to eat past their fullness can lose the sense of their natural appetite. So there is a risk that it later develops a tendency to be overweight . In addition, younger children in particular have the ability to regulate their food intake themselves. So if you ate less at lunchtime, you eat more in the evening. Your child will let you know when it’s hungry.
Patience and perseverance with bad eaters
Is your child one of those children who consistently reject all foods they do not know? No need to despair. With a bit of patience and perseverance, you will certainly be able to inspire your child with many of these foods. It is usually the so-called neophobia that makes children initially refuse everything they are not familiar with. This is innate and does not mean that a permanent dislike has to develop. If you let your child try the previously rejected strawberries again and again or encourage them to at least try a small spoonful of the delicious vegetable soup, acceptance can increase over time. However, patience is required as it can take as many as ten attempts for your child to accept the food as part of their diet. So don’t automatically ban every food from the menu that your child didn’t like, but always give him the opportunity to discover the taste for himself. This is the only way for your child to get to know and become familiar with many different foods.
You are a role model for your child
The diet of the other family members also plays a major role for your child, because children in the first few years of life in particular receive the majority of their food in this context and are shaped accordingly. Healthy eating will only become a matter of course for your child if you model healthy eating for your child and offer them the appropriate foods. The earlier you start doing this, the better. For more information on how to introduce healthy food to your child, see the article “Introducing Healthy Eating to Children” .
Sometimes it also helps your child if they can eat with child-friendly cutlery, as large knives and forks can be difficult for children’s hands to hold. You will find a selection of beautiful sets in this article.
So it’s completely normal if your child doesn’t always want to eat everything. Don’t pressure them or punish them. Every child can learn healthy eating. Set an example for your child and continuously inspire them for healthy food, then they will certainly develop splendidly.