When a second child?
When parents want to have a second child, they usually ask themselves when the right time has come for a sibling. In the following article we say whether there is the right time for a second child and compare the advantages and disadvantages of a small and a large age gap between siblings.
Is there the right time for a second child?
When the first strenuous phase is mastered, many parents want a second child. There is no absolutely correct age range between siblings. Each age difference has its advantages and disadvantages, and also depends on the characteristics of the children and parents.
Butwhy do children need other children? In the following, we have summarized everything about siblings:
ToggleWhat a small age gap means for the second child
- The strenuous first years of the children’s life are close together and pass faster.
- Leisure planningis easier because children of the same age often find similar things exciting.
- After the first few years, parents can really get back into the profession.
- Childcareis easier to organize because both children can be accommodated in the same facility.
- For many, their own age is also crucial. If women are already over 35 years old or have already taken longer to get pregnant with the first child, they do not want to wait so long to try again.
- The time it takes for a child to be raised decreases. The closer the children are to each other, the faster the parents have time for each other again.
- But: The closer the children are in age, the harder it gets for parents in the first time. You have to do without a lot and do double work. A prerequisite for a narrow age gap is therefore also a well-functioning partnership.
What a large age gap means for the second child
- Parents can pay a lot of attention to the first and second child in its development.
- The older child already goes tokindergartenorschooland is already very independent.
- The risk of sibling oath is lower because each child has their own area of life.
- The parents also have time for themselves between the first and second child to “refuel”.
- But: If the children are three years or more apart, babycarebegins again. Many parents then start to sigh because they are no longer used to changing diapers and getting up at night. For many, it is also difficult to have to say goodbye to professional life again.
What else needs to be considered for the second child?
In addition to questions about family life, financial, professional and health aspects are important for the decision to have a second child. The female body needs some time after childbirth to recover from pregnancy. A new pregnancy with a short time interval is very exhausting for him, premature births or underweight children are more likely. Is there also room for a second child in the apartment or house? What is the financial situation of the family?
There is a lot to consider when it comes to family planning. For many, however, it is a luxury to have this freedom of choice. However, external circumstances such as fertility, the financial situation or unexpected pregnancies limit the freedom of choice. If parents have decided on a second child, then they should wait until they feel that they have a good grip on everyday life. Sometimes the desire for a second child arises exactly at this time.