Where to take a first aid course?

There are various providers of special first aid courses for first aid on children, and the level of quality is sometimes very different. So exchange ideas with other mothers about first-aid courses and experiences, for example in our community. Here we have listed some providers for you.

A first aid course can save lives

Anyone who has a lot to do with children should attend a special first aid course at Kindernothilfe every few years. Because once you have tried out the most important maneuvers, such as the Heimlich maneuver, the stable side position and resuscitation , you can react quickly and correctly in an emergency.

Our articles do not replace a first aid course. Therefore, it is best to start looking for a provider in your area today!

Where can I take first aid courses?

Family centres, social services, church institutions or paediatricians sometimes also offer special first aid courses for parents. Ask your kindergarten or your pediatrician. And if there aren’t any first-aid courses on offer yet, just organize one yourself!

Some providers of first aid courses in Germany

poison control numbers

Baden-Württemberg: 0761/19 240
Bavaria: 089/19 240
Berlin: 030/19 240
Brandenburg: 030/19 240
Bremen: 0551/19 240
Hamburg: 0551/19 240
Hesse: 06131/19 240
Mecklenburg-West Pomerania: 0361/ 730 730
Lower Saxony: 0551/19 240
North Rhine-Westphalia: 0228/19 240
Rhineland-Palatinate: 06131/19 240
Saarland: 06841/19 240
Saxony: 0361/730 730
Saxony-Anhalt: 0361/730 730
Schleswig-Holstein: 0551/ 19 240
Thuringia: 0361/730 730

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