The U5 examination of your child – that is done
Your baby is now between six and seven months old and a lot has definitely happened since the last check-up. Now the fifth check-up, the U5, is due, which you can find out more about here.
With the U5 examination, the close checks end and the follow-up examinations now take place at longer intervals. Do not forget to take the yellow preventive booklet with you, in which all the results of the examination are entered.
What is examined in the U5 examination?
In the U5, the focus is on the child’s body control, but hearing and vision are also tested again. Then it can be decided whether your child needs a hearing aid or perhaps glasses . The child’s social behavior becomes increasingly interesting and the doctor will get a first impression of it in the conversation. Otherwise, all the usual tests that you already know from previous appointments will be carried out.
As usual, height and weight are measured, organs, respiration and heart checked, and head circumference and fontanelles examined. According to the official STIKO recommendations, all important vaccinations have now been carried out. If not, they can now easily be made up for and noted in the baby vaccination book.
Even if your child is not that far along in some respects, you don’t have to worry. The “specifications” about what your child can do at a certain point in time are only guidelines.
Motor skills are checked during the U5 examination
The pediatrician checks whether the child can turn from the supine position to the prone position on its own. Can it support itself (lying on its stomach) on its forearms? Does he spread his fingers and hold his head up? The eye-hand coordination is usually already so far developed that the child can reach for an interesting object.
sensory perception
The U5 tests whether and how your baby reacts to different noises. The acoustic stimuli should be as different as possible, for example clapping hands and a soft ringing of a bell. By now your child will probably recognize different sources of noise and turn in the appropriate direction.
How is the social behavior developed up to the U5 examination?
The doctor may also talk to you about your child’s general behavior during the U5. For example, how does your little one react to strangers? Is it open and interested or is it very strange? In addition to the observations in practice, the doctor will also ask about the behavior in everyday life. Don’t be afraid to share your observations with him. This is the only way he can get an impression of the social and emotional development of your child. If there are any abnormalities, for example particularly anxious behavior, the doctor will certainly have a few tips for everyday situations.
You should use the U5 at the earliest when your baby is five months old and at the latest when it is eight months old. Otherwise, you will be billed as a so-called iGel service (individual health service).
Then you’ve already made it and the next check-up, the U6 , is again just before your baby’s first birthday.