1st to 3rd month: Development of your baby’s senses
Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting: At the age of one to three months, your baby gains new experiences every day. It recognizes the familiar and looks curiously at the unknown.
This is what your baby looks like at three months
At three months, your baby can already see much better than a few weeks ago. It recognizes you from afar and is fascinated by faces. The same goes for your own face in the mirror. Your child can now recognize particularly high-contrast images. It finds light and shadow just as exciting as movements on the street. If you want to make him happy, pick him up and stand by the window so he can observe his surroundings. Even with a colorful mobile over the bed or when changing, your baby learns to follow movements with their eyes.
Your baby’s ears are sensitive
Your child’s hearing will also improve during these weeks. It’s the simple things that arouse his interest. The squeaking of the door, the noises from the kitchen, the games of the older siblings are new and fascinating. Music is particularly popular with all babies. Clear, bright sounds like flute or glockenspiel are particularly well received. However, make sure that the music is not too loud and do not place the radio or CD player right next to the bed. Your child’s ears are very sensitive. Your child particularly likes to hear your voice, which speaks lovingly to them. He also likes to hear the sounds of a vacuum cleaner or a car because he heard them in the womb.
Taste and smell in the 3rd month
Babies already have a keen sense of taste. Nevertheless, you do not have to worry that your child will get bored of the daily milk. Since it can’t digest anything else for the first few months, nature has arranged it so that your baby has no need for other flavors. Smell is closely linked to the sense of taste. Your baby has a sensitive nose, so it’s best not to use heavily scented shower gels or lotions.
Your baby needs physical contact
Your baby still needs frequent and close physical contact with their parents. It’s not long since she was born and she’s still adjusting to not being protected in the womb. It is all the more important that you prove to him through close physical contact that you are always there for him and that you are still protecting him. Later, the children will free themselves more and more and discover the world.
Your baby also loves to be touched gently. Parents intuitively know whether their baby likes touching or not. Babies also like to discover the feel of new objects that they have not yet become acquainted with, for example towels, washcloths or the like. Sometimes they have to get used to the new feeling. By giving him a towel to feel before using it, your baby can familiarize himself with the new object.
But babies not only like to explore and feel new things, they also love to be massaged. With the help of mum and dad’s trusting hands, he can relax and feel his muscles. You can find instructions for baby massage in our article Relaxing baby massage for the little ones .
This is how the senses develop in the first year of life
Would you like to know how your baby’s senses develop in the first year of life? Then click on the following posts:
- Your baby’s growth spurts
- Newborns: See, feel, hear a newborn
- 4th-6th Month: The senses sharpen
- 7th-9th Month: Development of the senses and urge to discover
- 10th-12th Month: How your baby discovers the world
Further developments of your baby
In addition to the further development of the senses, your baby has also made progress in the following areas:
- Movement: Movements become more controlled
- Nutrition : This is how your baby gets full
- Communication: Your baby cries, squeaks and chuckles
- Sleep: Your baby’s day-night rhythm
- Growth: Your baby’s growth and weight
- Growth spurt: Your baby’s 8 growth spurts