4th month of pregnancy: 13th to 16th week of pregnancy

With the fourth month of pregnancy, the phase of the fetus begins. His limbs and joints are so flexible that he can kick. All organ development is now complete.

4th month of pregnancy: your baby

In the 4th month of pregnancy (13th to 16th week of pregnancy) your baby enters the next phase of development. Your pregnancy has now entered a more stable phase.

  • Your baby is now about 15 cm long and weighs up to 200 grams.
  • Its skin appears thin and transparent, allowing you to see its thin blood vessels.
  • From the 14th week you can hear his heartbeat.
  • At this point, the fetus will close its eyelids and will not open them again for another 3 months.
  • Its joints and limbs are flexible, and it keeps kicking and changing position.
  • From the 16th week you can feel its movements. The fetus trains the diaphragm by trying to breathe and hiccups. He also practices sucking by sucking his thumb.
  • The development of the organs is complete and the stomach, intestines and kidneys are already working. The nutrients are absorbed through the placenta and the waste is passed through the umbilical cord to the mother.
  • Your baby develops a coat of fur called lanugo hair , a holdover from ancient times when humans were still covered in fur. However, this hair regresses by birth and, together with the cheese smear, serves to protect the skin from vibration, sound and pressure. The hair on the head and the eyebrows also grow, but the structure and color of the hair are only formed after birth.
  • Your baby already has a fingerprint that is unique to everyone, and it is showing its first attempts at playing with its umbilical cord.
  • At the end of the 4th month, the genitals are so far developed that you can already have the sex of your child determined if the fetus is in a favorable position.
  • Note : The third check- up is on the schedule.

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