90 percent of the testers recommend the NUK Eco Control+ baby monitor

50 mothers were selected and tested diligently. The feedback from the NUK testers is here and they are thrilled! Read here why 90 percent of the testers would recommend the NUK Eco Control+ baby monitor.

50 mothers had the opportunity to put the new NUK Eco Control+ baby monitor through its paces. A group was set up at MomaSquad for the selected testers, in which they could give detailed feedback, ask questions, discuss things with each other about the baby monitor and, of course, also exchange information directly with NUK. The testers’ personal reports and pictures, which they could also post and upload in the “NUK Moms” group , were particularly exciting.

The NUK Eco Control+ baby monitor received a lot of positive feedback

Overall, the NUK Eco Control+ baby monitor received very positive feedback. An overwhelming 100 percent of the testers were satisfied with it. A total of 90 percent of the mothers who responded are so convinced that they would recommend the NUK Eco Control + baby monitor to friends and acquaintances and also online on other sites. More than half of the testers have already spoken to more than five friends and acquaintances about the product. The NUK Eco Control + baby monitor did consistently well in our test. We are excited!

test criteria

During the test phase, the testing mothers should pay attention to ten criteria. We wanted to know from them which of these criteria are particularly important to them and how the NUK baby monitor performs. The survey among the participants showed that “DECT or freedom from interference”, “low radiation” and “volume” are particularly important to them. More than 70 percent rated these three criteria as “very important”, while all other seven criteria scored less than 30 percent. This is how the NUK baby monitor scored in these three important criteria:

  • The baby monitor should reliably transmit baby noises to as many places as possible without interference. DECT or freedom from interference is therefore the most important feature of a baby monitor for many testers. 74 percent of the testers classified this property as “very important”. Fortunately, the NUK Eco Control + baby monitor performed excellently in this category and received the rating “very good” from 90 percent of the mothers.
  • For 71 percent of the testers it was also “very important” that the baby monitor has low radiation , i.e. the amount of radiation is kept as low as possible and the baby is ideally only exposed to possible radiation when baby noises are being transmitted. The NUK Eco Control+ baby monitor also did very well in the “low radiation” category. 75 percent rated it as “very good”.
  • The NUK Eco Control + baby monitor only did not do quite as well for the third most important criterion , volume . Only 27.5 percent rated the product as “very good”. The most common point of criticism was that the baby monitor is too quiet. The testers wanted an increased volume control. NUK took the feedback from mothers on the subject of volume very seriously and will definitely improve the product.

Where do mothers buy their baby monitors?

The Internet is THE contact point for users to buy a baby monitor. 42 percent of the testers bought their baby monitor online. 38 percent of them bought their baby monitor in a baby store, 25 percent in an electronics store and four percent said they bought their baby monitor in a supermarket. Most of the testers researched suitable models on the Internet beforehand. Most use the search engine Google (70 percent) and mothers’ forums (50 percent). Only about a third read something in magazines, test reports or internet rating portals. However, almost half (45 percent) visited a baby store to look at the products and, if in doubt, to buy them there.
We are all already looking forward to the next product test and are excited to see what the “NUK Moms” will then test!

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