Cold in pregnancy: what helps?
You’re pregnant, so you’re expecting a baby, but have caught a big cold? In this article you will learn which home remedies really help you and how to get back on your feet quickly.
The nose runs, the limbs are heavy and the head roars: a cold can be quite unpleasant. While we usually resort to the common cold and flu medications – after all, we want to be fit again quickly – we should exercise special caution with regard to our pregnancy. If you want to treat a cold during pregnancy with medication, you should take a look at this article.
ToggleCold and pregnant?
A cold or flu during pregnancy is very stressful for an expectant mother, as she has to take care of two bodies – her own and that of the growing baby. Her immune system is therefore more stressed than that of a non-pregnant woman. In this article,our expert Dr. med. Peter Potthoff, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, everything you need to know about colds and flu during pregnancy.
Home remedies for cold in pregnancy
If you want to do without medication during pregnancy, there are a variety of natural home remedies that help against coughs, runny noses and Co. and support you in recovery.
Cold in pregnancy: what helps?
- Garlic Garlic
is a real powerhouse in the fight against annoying colds. A study showed that with daily consumption, the risk of catching a cold falls by more than 60 percent! For those for whom this advice comes too late, it can’t hurt to process a fresh, crushed clove of garlic in every meal. - Apple cider vinegar
Most flu viruses and pathogens can hardly or not at all multiply in an alkaline environment. Apple cider vinegar helps to put the body in such a state. In addition, apple cider vinegar contains many good bacteria that additionally fight an infection. It is best to mix one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with tea or water three times a day and drink. Against sore throat and inflammation, it helps to gargle with apple cider vinegar. - Honey Honey
has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects – so you should take a tablespoon with the sweet spread three times a day. - Onions
The onion is rich in phytochemicals that help open the airways. Don’t worry, you don’t have to eat them pure! Generously sprinkled in a salad, on a hamburger or in your favorite dish, they work wonders. - Lemons
Lemons also alkalize the body and make it difficult for pathogens to multiply. In addition, the yellow citrus fruit turns out to be a real vitamin C bomb – and should therefore not be missing in any “home remedy pharmacy”. Our tip: Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice with hot water and add honey and a trace of sea salt (for extra minerals). With this lemon tea you will be back on your feet in no time. - Chicken soup The good old chicken soup is a real classic among cold killers. Scientists have proven that chicken soup is effective against colds due to its healthy ingredients such as iron or zinc. It strengthens the body’s defenses, has an expectorant and disinfecting effect. Here you will find a simple and quick recipe for a chicken soup.
In addition to these home remedies, it is always advisable to drink a lot. Especially during pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to a balanced water balance. You can reach for water, infused water, unsweetened teas, homemade lemonade or broth without a guilty conscience. However, you should avoid coffee, as it has a dehydrating effect.
If not only you have caught a fat cold, you will learn in this article, with which home remedies you can also strengthen the health of your child with a cold.