Growth and weight: weight curves for girls and boys
In the first few months, your baby will grow very quickly. Our weight curves (percentiles) give you information about the growth of girls and boys in the first and second year of life.
The midwife will still check the weight of your child in childbirth. After that, the pediatrician will do this at every check-up appointment. Above all, he takes into account the relationship between length growth and weight gain. In this way, the pediatrician can always follow exactly how your baby is developing.
ToggleHow babies gain weight and grow
Every baby gains weight very irregularly. It even loses weight in the first few days after birth . Once this phase is over, your baby may gain about 300 grams one week and 80 grams the next week. The average weight gain should be between 500-1000 grams and your baby should grow by around three to four centimeters per month. By the age of nine months, it already weighs seven to nine kilos, deviations of a few grams more or less are perfectly fine.
At the age of ten to twelve months, your child has not only gained a lot in weight and size. It has grown into a little human with a real personality. No wonder relatives and friends are amazed when they see your child. By their first birthday, most children have tripled their birth weight and are on average between 70 and 80 centimeters tall. Weight can fluctuate wildly at this age. This doesn’t automatically have to be a cause for concern. Your child may not have an appetite because there is so much to explore and anything else is more interesting than sitting in a high chair and eating porridge. Learning to walk also consumes a lot of energy. These aspects can cause temporary weight loss.
Digital scale for babies
Tip: With a digital scale for babies, you can keep an eye on your child’s weight at all times. You can comfortably weigh your child while it is still lying down. The scale has a load capacity of 30 g up to 20 kg.advertisement
Take a look at our weight chart for babies and toddlers . Here you can see exactly which proportion of children with which height has which weight. You will also see that many children deviate from the average values. So do not worry. Every child is different in their development. Therefore, do not compare your child too much with peers, for example in the playgroup.
Weight curve and growth chart
The doctor creates an individual weight curve from the measured data of your baby. If there are extreme deviations up or down, there are probably errors in the diet. In this case, you should consult your doctor immediately.
Weight and growth of girls: what weight at what height?
Your daughter’s height-to-weight ratio is healthy when it’s roughly on the middle, blue-colored curve. If it is much higher or lower, you should keep an eye on your child’s weight.
Weight and growth of boys: what weight at what height?
The first year of life (in percentiles)
The second year of life (in percentiles)
Your son’s height-to-weight ratio is healthy when it’s roughly on the middle, blue-colored curve. If it is much higher or lower, you should keep an eye on your child’s weight.
This is how your baby’s head grows
The average circumference of an eight-month-old baby’s head is 45 centimeters. After the first six months, the growth of the head slows down. However, it is still the largest part of the baby’s body. As a result, the spine and muscles are heavily used when lifting. So be careful not to throw your head around too much during wild play. In addition, the child seat in the car must be the right size. You can find out more about this in our article “ Head Circumference Baby ” and in our “ Size Chart for Babies and Toddlers ” you can find out which hat size fits your baby depending on their age.
When will your baby’s teeth grow?
The first teeth usually break through at the age of eight months. This is not always a pleasant situation, especially for your baby. It may be that your baby is often very fussy and restless during the teething phase. It cries a lot and needs your closeness. The gums are red and the cheeks are glowing. That is normal. However, if your child develops a fever from teething, you should have it examined by a pediatrician. You can find out how you can help your baby with pain and what you should know about teething in our “ Milk teeth ” section.
Your baby’s development at a glance
Your baby will not only gain weight and growth in the first three months. In our other articles you can read about the progress your baby is making.
- Baby development month by month (1st to 12th month)
- The development of your newborn
- Your baby’s growth and weight
- Your baby’s motor skills
- This is how babies’ senses develop
- How your baby communicates
- How your baby learns to crawl and walk
- Growth spurt: Your baby’s 8 growth spurts