Home remedies for flatulence: How they help

Bloating in babies is completely normal. However, there are numerous effective home remedies for flatulence. Find out here how you can use tried and tested home remedies to combat flatulence in your baby and what effect, for example, potato wraps or sitz baths have.

Bloating in babies is usually nothing to worry about. However, if they are accompanied by stomach or intestinal cramps, they can be uncomfortable for your baby. For gentle relief, you can use one of numerous tried and tested home remedies for flatulence that have been tried and tested over generations. Find out here which home remedies these are.

Heat applications as a home remedy for flatulence

By adding heat, you can relieve your baby’s flatulence. Especially when flatulence is accompanied by spasmodic movements of the intestines, heat can significantly relax your child’s abdominal muscles and stimulate their metabolism. But be careful: Please note that an application in which your baby is given heat in any way must not be used on his bare skin and not too hot , otherwise there would be a risk of burns for your baby. You should also not leave your baby alone when using it . “Heat-supplying” home remedies for flatulence can be, for example:

  • Potato wraps: In a first step, boil potatoes that you let cool down first, otherwise they will be too hot. Mash the potatoes with their skins on and spread them on a gauze bandage. Cover the “mashed potatoes” with the gauze bandage and place the wrap on your baby’s stomach. Cover the wrap with a towel and let it work.
  • Cherry pit pillow: You can also provide your baby with dry warmth using a grain pillow, for example a cherry pit pillow. These are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and can even be integrated into a cuddly toy especially for children. A cherry pit pillow is briefly heated in the oven or in the microwave. But a warm radiator is also well suited for warming up a cherry pit pillow. Place the cherry pit pillow on your baby’s tummy after it has been warmed up. The dry cherry stones store the heat inside and release it slowly and evenly to your baby.
  • Hot-water bottle: A hot-water bottle also gives off dry heat to your baby. Fill the hot-water bottle with water at about 40 degrees and wrap it in a cloth. Place it on your baby’s stomach or, alternatively, place your baby on the hot water bottle in a prone position. This way you ensure that his stomach cramps resolve.
  • Sitz bath: Warm baths can also help with flatulence by having an antispasmodic effect on your baby’s gastrointestinal tract. It doesn’t even have to be a full bath. A sitz bath achieves the same healing effect. You can prepare such a sitz bath for your baby from the fourth week of life. Add two tablespoons of chamomile blossoms to two liters of water and let the brew simmer for about ten minutes. Meanwhile, fill a baby bathtub, large bowl, or bucket with water. Strain the chamomile decoction and add it to the bath water. The water in which your baby takes a sitz bath should not be warmer than 37°Cbe. You should also only fill in enough water so that your baby can sit in it up to his stomach. But make sure that his upper body does not cool down during the sitz bath. A sitz bath can last up to 20 minutes.

Tea as a home remedy for flatulence

Certain herbs are effective against flatulence. These include, for example, digestive anise, antispasmodic cumin, anti-bloating fennel and chamomile with an anti-inflammatory effect. Prepare your baby a tea based on these herbs. To do this, take two tablespoons of the respective herb in its dried form and pour a cup of boiling water over it. A mixture of the different herbs is of course also possible. Then you let the tea steep for about ten minutes, strain it and give it to your baby to drink.

Abdominal massage as a home remedy for flatulence

A massage has a relaxing and calming effect on your baby’s stomach. To do this, massage his stomach in a clockwise circular motion. In this way, gas that is stuck in your baby’s stomach can be released much more easily and you can relieve him of unpleasant stomach cramps. Find detailed instructions for a gentle abdominal massage for flatulence here .

Anserine milk as a home remedy for flatulence

Pastor Kneipp already recommended it for stomach pains and flatulence: the anserine milk. Anserine milk is suitable for children from the age of two. To do this, pour a large cup of hot milk over a tablespoon of dried anserine herb, which is available in the pharmacy. Let the milk with the herb steep for about ten minutes, then strain it and give your child a warm drink. Since anserines have an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, this home remedy can effectively help your baby with his flatulence.

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