The best home remedies for a sore throat
Even in grandmother’s time, home remedies for sore throats were very popular. If you have a sore throat, wraps or homemade gargling solutions are particularly good. Here we summarize some suggestions for proven home remedies for a sore throat.
Neck wrap as a home remedy for a sore throat – that’s how it works!
Wraps work wonders for sore throats. A warm wrap promotes blood circulation. The local defense is strengthened. A cold wrap, for example with quark, also relieves the symptoms.
- Quark wrap: Spread the quark evenly on a handkerchief. Then put it around your neck and fasten it with a scarf. It is best to leave the wrap on overnight. This is how it works best.
- Potato Wraps: Boil some potatoes for this home remedy for a sore throat. When they are soft, simply mash them and put the pulp on a tissue. Caution! The whole thing has to cool down a bit before the wrap is put around the neck, otherwise there is a risk of burns. Here, too, a scarf is helpful for fastening.
Gargling as a home remedy for a sore throat
When gargling, the active ingredients go directly to the inflamed areas in the throat. This is how you can easily make the home remedy for a sore throat yourself:
- Saline: For the saline solution, add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of lukewarm water. You can also use sage tea instead of water. Gargle several times a day because the salt kills bacteria in the throat.
- Chamomile Oil: For this solution, simply add 15 drops of chamomile oil extract to a glass of water, stir and you’re done! The chamomile soothes the inflamed throat.
- Honey-vinegar mixture: An effective home remedy for a sore throat can be prepared from 30 g honey, 200 ml water, 100 ml vinegar and 30 g sea salt. To gargle, simply take two tablespoons of the solution and fill up the rest with water.
Other home remedies for sore throat:
- Eat Garlic and Parsley – Garlic helps kill bacteria and parsley is good for breath and also high in vitamin C.
- Drink fennel or chamomile tea – both soothe and disinfect the throat and the affected areas heal faster.
- Sweeten tea with honey because it is good against bacteria.
- Take lozenges with peppermint or sage – they stimulate salivation and temporarily relieve a sore throat.
- There should be high humidity in the room so that the mucous membranes are not additionally irritated by dry heating air.