What are pregnant women not allowed to eat?

You should definitely avoid a number of products during pregnancy, as they could endanger the development of your child and even lead to deformities. You can find an overview of which foods you should not eat here.

Why can’t pregnant women eat everything?

Basically, you do not need any special diet during pregnancy. For your well-being you should eat what you like and what you feel like. Nevertheless, the question “What should pregnant women not eat?” quite justified. You have to be careful with some delicacies. They contain bacteria such as salmonella , listeria and toxoplasmosis . For a healthy person, an infection with these pathogens is harmless. However, due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy, the immune system is weakened and you are more susceptible to infections. Your body cannot fight such an infection so easily – caution is therefore advised.

What are pregnant women not allowed to eat?

You should avoid or severely limit the following foods:

  • Raw or undercooked  meat and fish : Avoid minced meat and pork, raw sausages such as Mettwurst and Teewurst, pies, raw ham and tartare. Because they can contain toxoplasmosis pathogens that can damage your baby’s brain. Raw fish, which is often found in sushi – or, for example, fish carpaccio – should also be avoided. These foods are susceptible to listeria and can lead to infection and premature labor. Thorough heating kills germs, but it is still advisable to avoid these types of meat and fish during pregnancy.
  • Smoked sausage or smoked fish: Ham, such as Parma, Serrano or salmon ham, and cold-smoked fish such as smoked salmon and eel should also be avoided during pregnancy. Even with smoked products, there is no guarantee that all germs have been killed.
  • Packaged Salads : Whether it’s ready-made salads or pre-cut fruit, packaged and ready-to-cook products can contain bacteria that are harmful to the unborn child. After industrial washing and packaging, listeria are usually still attached to the food. These can easily multiply in the plastic packaging, so it is better to avoid them.
  • Raw or undercooked eggs : Raw eggs can contain salmonella. This is why you should also avoid foods like mayonnaise, zabaglione and tiramisu as they are made with raw eggs.
  • Raw or unprocessed dairy products : Avoid soft cheeses made from raw milk, such as mozzarella , brie, gorgonzola, ricotta, and feta , as well as unprocessed (unheated) fresh milk. Listeriosis bacteria, salmonella and tuberculosis bacteria are often found in these. These can lead to infections and cause serious brain damage to your baby. Thorough heating also kills these pathogens.
  • Offal : It is better to avoid offal, such as liver, because they contain very high levels of pollution and there is a risk of overdosing on vitamin A.
  • Spices with Coumarin : Spices like cinnamon, ginger , cardamom, and cloves maintain a high concentration of coumarin. This substance can warm the abdomen and stimulate blood circulation – including in the uterus. In larger amounts, this can have a labour-inducing effect.
  • Alcohol : You should avoid alcohol completely throughout pregnancy. Alcohol has a highly damaging effect on your child’s development. You can find out more about alcohol during pregnancy in the article “Alcohol during pregnancy”.
  • Drinks containing quinine or caffeine : You should definitely avoid drinks containing quinine such as bitter lemon and tonic water. You should also reduce coffee, black tea, cola and energy drinks to a minimum, it is best to leave them out completely for the next few months.
  • Strictly vegetarian diet : It is difficult to ensure an adequate intake of protein, vitamin B12, calcium, iron and zinc with a purely vegetarian diet. Doctors therefore advise against a strictly vegetarian diet during pregnancy. We explain everything you need to know about the right nutrient intake during pregnancy here .
  • Cheap or Refined Carbohydrates : Avoid sugar and white flour products. Whenever possible, try to replace them with high-quality carbohydrates like those found in potatoes, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice.

These apps show you what not to eat when you are pregnant

If you would like to get additional guidance on what you should or should not eat during pregnancy, the “Pregnancy food traffic light” app is an excellent choice. It informs you about the most common food-borne illnesses, such as salmonella or listeriosis. It also shows you which foods could endanger your unborn child and what you can eat without hesitation.

Also recommended: the “Pregnant & Food” app. The state-funded app (from the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry) offers you various categories, such as “Precaution”, “Exercise” or just nutrition. The nutrition check gives you an overview of what you should not eat during pregnancy and which products are harmless.

Both apps are free and available for iOS and Android devices.

Tips for a balanced diet

In our special ” Nutrition during pregnancy ” you will find many important information, tips and recipes for a varied and balanced diet. There you will find important information on the following topics, among others:

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