1. You little children, come, oh come all, come
to the manger, in Bethlehem’s stable,
and see what
joy the Father in heaven gives us on this most holy night.
2. O look in the manger in the nocturnal stable,
look here in the bright shining beam of the little light
in clean swaddling clothes the heavenly child,
much more beautiful and lovely than angels are.
3. There it lies, the little child, on hay and straw,
Mary and Joseph look at it happily,
the honest shepherds kneel in front of it, praying,
the angelic choir hovers high above, rejoicing.
4. O bend your knees in adoration like the shepherds,
lift up your hands and give thanks like them;
rejoice, ye children, who would not rejoice? –
joyfully joins in the cheering of the angels.