17th week of pregnancy: The 17th week of pregnancy at a glance
In the 17th week of pregnancy you can easily feel the kicks of your baby. It does a lot of gymnastics, but this is buffered by the amniotic fluid. Your baby starts his first breathing exercises in the 17th week of pregnancy.
If you wantto go on holidayagain before your baby arrives, then the next few weeks are the right period. Between the 17th and 19th week of pregnancy, your third check-up is also due.
ToggleYour baby’s development in the 17th week of pregnancy
In the 17th week of pregnancy, the approximately eleven centimeters tall and 100 grams heavy fetus grows mainly. Now, however, his head grows more slowly compared to the rest of his body. The growth of the legs is now faster, they are now even slightly longer than the arms compared to before. The lungs also continue to develop in the 17th week of pregnancy. Your baby starts with simple breathing exercises and “breathes” amniotic fluid in and out.
Fatty tissue forms under the delicate skin, which can later protect it against cold. Hearing is also further sharpened. Sometimes you can already notice this yourself when your baby reacts to loud noises with a violent movement. The entire bone substance becomes harder, so that the shoulders, spine and chest can also form a bony connection. Your child builds up a simple immune system from the 17th week of pregnancy in order to be able to protect itself soon – a little – againstinfections during pregnancy.
Your body in the 17th week of pregnancy
Your large retaining straps come under increased tension from the 17th week of pregnancy due to the constantly growing uterus. You feel a slight, pulling pain in the abdomen, right and left of the navel down to the groin and back. There he pulls towards the sacrum. These so-calledmaternal ligament painsare quite normal and can occur until the end of pregnancy. But another complaint often subsides around the 17th week of pregnancy: You no longer have the constant feeling that you have to go to the toilet.
Can you already feel something in the 17th week of pregnancy? Especially if you are expecting your second child, you may already be able to perceive weak child movements inside you this week. Some first-time mothers have to be patient until about the 20th week of pregnancy.
Most women feel very comfortable in their skin during this phase of pregnancy: the appetite has returned, the mental balance has stabilized and many enjoy a carefree and happy time in the partnership. This also has to do with the fact that many women now feel more desire for sex again. The cause is the increased blood flow to the genital organs, which now react particularly to touch. Don’t worry: Sex during pregnancycan only harm in very rare cases.
Where is the baby in the 17th week of pregnancy?
Questions about the 17th week of pregnancy
How does conspicuous pigmentation occur?
Your skin is also changing. Freckles, liver and pigment spots can form, which darken further by extensive sunbathing. The reason is the increased estrogen level, which stimulates the formation of the skin pigment melanin. The increased skin pigmentation can even promote the appearance of a so-called pregnancy mask (melasma, chloasma) on the face: around the mouth, nose and forehead, the skin areas turn light yellow to brown. This phenomenon usually disappears on its own after birth, but can of course be very stressful during pregnancy. Above all, it is important that those affected protect themselves from UV radiation.
Sunbathing for vitamin D formation?
Even if you are prone to pigment spots, you should still go out in the sun regularly. Equipped with sufficient sun protection factor, a walk is certainly good. But the regular use of sunscreen also has disadvantages, as it prevents the body from producing enough vitamin D – because it needs UV rays for this. Vitamin Dpromotes the important absorption of calcium, which has a positive effect on the stability of bones and increases mood. So avoid less sensitive skin areas (forearms, hands, lower legs and feet) when applying cream, so that you too can form vitamin D. Going out in the sun for ten minutes a day is recommended.
Tips and hints for the 17th week of pregnancy
Linea nigra and darker nipples
Darkening nipples and a verticalbrown line between navel and pubic bone (linea nigra) are also due to the increased melanin production. Sometimes dark pigmentation also appears on the inside of the thighs, under the armpits, in the genital area and under the eyes. As a rule, they also regress after birth.
Third check-up
Between the 17th and 19th week of pregnancy, the thirdcheck-upis due. At this appointment, the regular examinations (blood, urine, weight, blood pressure, vaginal examination of the child and the cervix) are made.
Make nutrition rich in iron
Your iron store is running low. Check your diet for iron-rich foods so that there is noiron deficiency. Put more nuts, dried apricots and beetroot on your diet. A few splashes of lemon make it easier for you to absorb iron due to the vitamin C it contains.
Must-haves of maternity wear
A comfortable pregnancy jeans with soft elastic waistband, an elastic waistband in discreet white or in a bright color and a few extra long T-shirts belong on your shopping list. Of course, you can also ask acquaintances or relatives if they still have something for your wardrobe or buy second-hand. In our section “Maternity Fashion” you can find out more about the best addresses and which parts are really recommended.