Baby acne: where does it come from and what helps against it?

Baby acne, also known as newborn acne, is when small pimples form on the baby’s skin. Cheeks, nose and forehead are particularly affected by redness and skin irritation. But no need to worry! Baby acne is not caused by a lack of, incorrect or bad baby care. Here you can find out where pimples come from and what you can do.

First of all: Baby acne is completely harmless and does not require any special treatment. It occurs due to hormones, especially in the first few weeks of life of the baby and heals on its own after some time. You can find all important information here.

What is baby acne?

Baby acne (the medical term is acne neonatorum or neonatal rash ) is characterized by red pimples with a small yellow lump in the middle. Baby acne occurs mostly on the newborn’s face, but can also spread down the neck, shoulders, and chest. The rash is usually not painful but can be a little itchy if the baby’s sensitive skin becomes irritated.

How does baby acne develop?

After birth, babies still carry the mother’s hormones in their organism, the slow drop of which causes a hormonal change. At the same time, the baby’s adrenal glands start producing their own hormones. In addition, there are the particularly sensitive sebaceous glands of the little earthlings.

This “hormone chaos” causes pustules to form on the skin of some babies. Baby acne affects about 20 percent of all babies, with boys more likely to struggle with baby acne than girls due to their hormonal balance.

What can I do about baby acne?

During the time your baby is suffering from neonatal acne, you can wash them as usual, ie with lukewarm water and, if necessary, a mild, moisturizing baby soap. After washing you should gently pat the affected areas dry. Strong rubbing can cause the pimples to burst and thus promote inflammation.

In general, it can be said that acne is aggravated by skin irritation. If the baby spits up or drools a lot after breastfeeding, it can cause the pimples to become infected and the rash to get worse. Always put a dry, clean burp cloth under your baby to keep their face as dry as possible.

Incidentally, it is an insider tip among midwives to dab a little breast milk on the rash to promote wound healing.

What shouldn’t I do?

Under no circumstances should you pop the pimples caused by baby acne. Not only is this very painful for your baby, it also allows bacteria to get into the wound and promote inflammation there.

You should also avoid care lotions, oils, perfumed or paraffin-based creams or tinctures. Most care products are designed for teenage or adult skin and can therefore damage sensitive baby skin. Don’t do anything on your own and give your baby’s skin the time it needs to heal itself.

How long does baby acne last?

When it comes to baby acne, patience pays off. In most cases, after hormonal changes, the rash goes away automatically and heals quickly in just a few weeks without leaving any scars. If you still have concerns or are unsure, you can contact your aftercare midwife or pediatrician to allay your worries.

Baby acne ≠ infant acne

Newborn or baby acne is often mistaken for infant acne. Although baby acne and infant acne look similar, their triggers are different. Doctors suspect that the cause of infant acne is a hereditary predisposition, which is also reflected in puberty as particularly severe acne.

In contrast to baby acne, infant acne only develops between the third and sixth month of life and usually requires medical treatment. Depending on the severity, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory preparations or antibiotics and closely monitor the course. If infant acne is not treated or treated too late, there is a likelihood that scars will remain.

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