Baby sleep checklist: Can your child sleep well?

Use our checklist to find out whether your child can already sleep well and whether their sleeping behavior is age-appropriate or not.

In children, the natural sleep pattern is usually mature by the age of six months. At this age, your child is able to fall asleep and sleep through the night at specific times . If this is not the case, you should get to the bottom of the cause so that poor sleeping habits or even serious sleep disorders do not develop.

Baby sleep checklist: How does your child sleep?

With the following questions from the bestseller “Every child can learn to sleep” you can easily analyze your child’s sleeping behavior and find out whether there is a need for action.

  • When do you put your child to bed?
  • When does your child get up in the morning?
  • How many hours does he spend in bed at night?
  • How long does it take your child to fall asleep (time between putting to bed and falling asleep)?
  • How long is your child awake at night in total?
  • How many hours does your child sleep at night (pure sleep time)?
  • From when to when does your child take his/her nap(s)?
  • How many hours does your child sleep during the day?
  • How many hours of sleep do you have during the day and night?

A sleep log shows sleep patterns

If you now find that your child spends significantly more than half an hour to a full hour awake in bed, it has a disturbed sleep rhythm or the sleeping behavior does not suit its needs. If you’re having trouble answering the questions clearly, keeping a sleep log may help you identify your child’s sleep pattern.

What to do with sleeping problems?

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