Babysitter expenses: salary and insurance
The cost of a babysitter is easy to estimate. In addition to the salary, you have to pay the fees for accident insurance. But how high are the wage costs and what do you have to pay for accident insurance? Find out here how high the costs for a babysitter usually are.
Babysitter expenses: salary
The hourly wage makes up a large proportion of the cost of the babysitter. It is best to negotiate it with the babysitter before you start working. Keep in mind that the salary depends on the following factors:
- In the country you often pay less for a babysitter than in a big city. In the city, babysitters can charge between 10 and 15 euros per hour.
- A babysitter can ask for more money per child to be cared for.
- The salary of a babysitter depends on the scope of the tasks.
- Some babysitters are paid less in the evenings when there is less to do than during the day.
- Babysitters between the ages of 14 and 15 earn around three to five euros an hour, young people between the ages of 16 and 18 earn five to eight euros an hour and babysitters aged 19 and over receive hourly wages from seven euros.
Some charitable organizations such as the German Red Cross offer young people who enjoy working with children and would like to supplement their pocket money by babysitting the opportunity to do a “babysitter diploma”. In the course, future babysitters learn not only first-aid measures and basic knowledge of baby care and feeding, but also methods of behaving appropriately in stressful situations. They also receive tips on how to keep the children occupied and encouraged in an age-appropriate manner. A babysitter with a “babysitter diploma” can charge around ten euros per hour.
Note: The babysitter’s salary is usually paid in cash immediately after his or her assignment. You should discuss other payment methods, such as monthly payments, with the babysitter in advance.
Babysitter: insurance costs
When calculating the cost of the babysitter, you should also factor in insurance fees. Because if you employ an occasional or regular caregiver for your children, it can happen that something breaks or someone gets injured.
- Accident insurance: If you hire a babysitter, they fall under the category of “household help” and you must have statutory accident insurance for them. As an employer, you bear the costs and are responsible for registering with the accident insurance institution. The annual fee is manageable and depends on a percentage of the babysitter’s monthly salary. The annual contribution is around 1.6 percent of annual earnings for marginal employment. If your babysitter earns 1,500 euros a year, that’s around 24 euros a year. In the event of damage, all treatment and rehabilitation costs are then borne by the insurance company. The insurance protection takes effect on the immediate outward and return journey before or after employment.
Note:A private accident insurance for the babysitter does not replace this insurance obligation. If something happens to him during working hours or on the way to or from work, this is considered an accident at work. The babysitter’s health insurance does not have to pay for this damage. - Liability insurance: Even if the babysitter works very scientifically, an accident can happen and, for example, break a window pane. In order to be protected against such incidents, you should find out whether your private liability insurance applies in the event of damage or whether the babysitter has to take out his own liability insurance.
Note: Young people up to the age of 18 are usually insured for liability through their parents. So before you take on a job as a babysitter, you should inquire with the insurance company whether they also cover damage as part of a paid activity. You may need additional insurance.