Beautiful boy names: Our top 20
Can you look forward to a boy? Congratulations! Then it’s time to start looking for a name. We have put together the most beautiful baby names for boys for you here. From perennial favourites, to revived classics, to real insider tips.
Modern, concise, fresh: Finn is a boy ‘s name that only became established in this country around the turn of the millennium. The name Finn can be derived in two ways. In Nordic countries, the name means a “member of the Finnish people . In Irish derivation, Finn comes from the Irish “fionn”, which literally means “white”, “fair” or “blond”.
A truly biblical name. Who does not know that Noah who was commissioned by God to build an ark to save the living beings from a deluge. Noah is a Hebrew name and means something like “rest bringer”. Before the turn of the millennium, the name Noah was still considered a rarity. Meanwhile, Noah has advanced to the top of the list of names. Incidentally, Noah is also extremely popular among Americans .
Theo is the Greek word for ” God “. Originally, Theo is short for Theodor, the “gift of God”. In the meantime, however, Theo has established itself as an independent name and is even more popular than the long version. The interesting thing: There should hardly be an adult in Germany whose name is Theo. The reason: Theo was considered old-fashioned for decades. The name has only experienced a renaissance in the past few years. Most Theos in this country are babies or toddlers.
Henri is a good example of a “new” old name. At the beginning of the 20th century, the name was very popular. At that time, however, it was usually written with a “Y” at the end. Henry finally disappeared from the roster in the 1980s and has only reappeared in recent years. This time more and more often in the modern and fresh version with an “I” at the end. Henri or Henry is the English version of the German first name “Heinrich”. Heinrich is in turn composed of the Old High German words “heima” (home) and “rihhi” (rich, powerful). No wonder then that countless dukes and rulers of the past answered to this name.
Old names are making a comeback. In addition to Theo and Henri, Artur is also enjoying increasing popularity again. So far, the name is not in the top lists and is therefore considered a real insider tip. So it could be the right name for your child . By the way: Artur is derived from the Celtic word “Artaios”, which means “bear”. At the same time Artur can also be derived from the Roman Artorius.
Emil, “the eager one”, has enjoyed increasing popularity since the turn of the millennium and has been one of the most beautiful names for boys for years. Emil is derived from the Latin surname “Aemilius”. Emil gained notoriety in Europe through Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s educational novel “Émile ou De l’éducation”, published in 1762. In Germany, Erich Kästner, among others, caused a name push with the youth book “Emil and the Detectives”.
“The lucky one” has been a favorite among the most beautiful boy names in the world for years. Felix can also be translated from Latin as “ fertile ” or “successful”. No wonder, then, that many parents strike at this beautiful boy name. The name was also popular in the past: among the old Christians, Felix was the most popular and widespread first name.
Maximilian comes from Latin and means “the greatest”. The name is also very popular, and has regularly been at the top of lists of names since the 1990s. The short form Max, which can also be found in the top lists of beautiful boy names, is also popular. In addition, every German citizen was allowed to “meet” a well-known Max: Max Mustermann is used as an example name on forms in Germany.
The current number one of various top ten lists. Since the late 1980s, Ben has been very popular and widely used as a first name. Ben is the short form of Benjamin or Benedict, which has prevailed over its long versions. The meaning of the originally Hebrew name is “son of the right (lucky) hand” or short but concise: “lucky child”. A beautiful meaning.
If you are looking for beautiful, rare boy names, Milan is the right choice. The name was hardly used in Germany until the late 1980s. However, the popularity of the Slavic name has been steadily increasing for several years. Milan is now in the top 40. Milan means “the nice” or “of love” and is still a common name in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the areas of former Yugoslavia.
Mattis is a popular North German name, or rather the North German form of Matthias. Matthias derives from “Mattatias”, the Greek form of the Hebrew name “Mattitjahu”. Mattityahu is again translated as “given by YHWH” or “gift of God.” The name Mattis is especially popular in combination with another name. 30 percent of all Mattis living in Germany have another first name.
The first name Paul has its origins in the Latin word “paulus”, which means something like “little”. Paul was already widespread in ancient Christianity . The name is not only very popular in this country, but also, in the appropriate modifications, in other countries such as the Czech Republic (Pavel), Italy (Paolo) or Spain (Pablo).
Like Felix or Ben, Jonas is also a regular in the top ten lists of the most beautiful baby names for boys. Jonah is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Jonah, meaning dove. Jonas is also closely linked to Christianity. In a biblical story, Jonah is saved from drowning by a whale. The whale swallows Jonas and only spits him out again three days later on land.
Joshua comes from the Hebrew and is made up of “Yahweh” (God) and “Yasha” (to save, to heal). Thus Joshua stands for “God is salvation”. The name is closely linked to the Hebrew Bible. There the Israelite leader bears the name “Yehoshua ben Nun”. The book of Joshua also goes back to this name. The actual German spelling would be Joschua. However, it was replaced by the English spelling Joshua.
Thilo is the short form of Theoderich and a variant of Dietrich or Tillmann. The name has an Old High German origin and goes back to the words “diot” (the people) and “rihhi” (rich, powerful). Thilo therefore means “the powerful among the people”. Thilo is listed further down in the list of names. So if you’re looking for a special name that you don’t always come across in daycare or school, Thilo is the right choice.
Tim was the hit at the turn of the millennium. In the meantime, the popularity is sinking again, so that not so many Tims are cavorting among the newborns . Tintin comes from Timotheus or Timothy. The names have their origin in the ancient Greek words “timáō” (appreciate, honor) and “theós” (god). Put together, therefore, “the God-honoring” or “the God-fearing”.
Traditional and modern at the same time: the Old High German name Hugo stands for “the spirit” or “the mind”. Hugo is a short form of Hubert or Hugbert, but today it is more common than the slightly outdated long forms.
Viktor, “the winner”, comes from Latin and is related to the name Vinzenz. In Christianity, Christian martyrs were often called Victor. Today the name is no longer quite so common and ranks at the bottom of various lists. So a little insider tip.
Lasse is a modification of the Scandinavian name Lars. Lars is a short form of the Latin name Laurentius, meaning “the laurel wreath” and is the symbol of the victor. In the meantime, however, Lasse has established itself as an independent name.
Elijah is a Hebrew name meaning ‘the mighty one’ or ‘god’. Elijah can be given as both a boy’s and a girl’s name. The name is particularly popular in combination with another first name. In Switzerland and Spain, Elia regularly ranks at the top of the top lists of the most beautiful baby names in the world.