Everything you need to know about indigestion
Especially before the birth and during breastfeeding, the digestion of mothers does not always work optimally. And babies and toddlers often have to struggle with digestive problems such as constipation. Together with MICROLAX® we have put together 10 interesting facts on the subject for you.
Did you know that…
- … an estimated 70 percent of Germans suffer from digestive problems? The level of suffering is often very high for those affected.
- … women are more often affected by digestive disorders than men? Complaints are about two to three times as common in women. Why is that? Probably due to the female hormones, which have a strong influence on the processes in the body – and thus also on digestion – during menstruation, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as during menopause.
- … too many dairy products can lead to constipation in children? Milk and milk products provide them with calcium (important for bones and teeth) and a good portion of calories (for the energy balance) during growth, but at the same time these foods do not contain any dietary fiber, which is important for smooth digestion.
- … constipation in babies can also have something to do with a sore bottom? Because then the big business causes pain for the little ones, which is why they suppress the bowel movement. However, since this makes the stool harder and only causes more pain the next time you try, there is a risk of a vicious circle. Therefore, always think of powder and cream when wrapping!
- … it varies greatly how often a person has to make their big deal? Anything between three times a day and three times a week is considered normal in both adults and children. From the point of view of a doctor, a real constipation is only present if there are fewer than three bowel movements a week. In infants, the fluctuations can be even more extreme, ranging from several times a day to once a week.
- … digestive problems are often caused by stress? The brain and the intestinal tract are closely connected via the nerve tracts in the body. And for many people, digestion doesn’t work properly as soon as they have a lot going on or their psyche is stressed. Therefore, relaxation exercises and yoga can help us adults to release such blockages. A break with restful sleep is good for children – and of course lots of love.
- … diabetics suffer from digestive problems more often? The background is that the disease can damage nerves that are responsible for movement in the intestine and therefore no longer perform their function properly.
- … the technical term for constipation is “constipation”?
- … the intestinal flora can also influence our weight? A miscolonization of bacteria in the intestine sometimes prevents weight loss. The right bacteria, on the other hand, can support weight loss and also help to maintain weight in the long term. So if you simply don’t lose weight despite dieting, a visit to the doctor or alternative practitioner for an analysis of the intestinal flora can be worthwhile.
- … older people usually have to go to the toilet less often? When we get older, many processes in our body run more slowly – including digestion. In addition, the intestines relax a little, which is why it offers more space for temporary storage and the stool is transported more slowly.
This helps against digestive problems
Do you often suffer from digestive problems or does your child have the same symptoms? The simplest, preventative solutions to healthy digestion are: drink plenty of water, eat high-fiber foods, exercise a lot, and avoid stress.
If the problems are acute, natural laxatives such as fresh sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice, dried fruit or a portion of flaxseed can help with constipation. If you have diarrhea, you should eat bananas, rusks or carrot soup. Drugs from pharmacies also offer a quick and easy solution to many digestive problems. Before you buy, however, it is best to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.