Help with adoption: counseling centers and associations

Advice and help about adoption can be found at adoption and family counseling centers. But many other self-help groups and non-profit associations also offer their help with adoption. You can find a selection of exact addresses here.

adoptive parents

You are considering adopting a child and want to know what you have to consider and who you can contact with questions? In the case of international adoption , it is important to know that only the following offices in Germany can carry out legally valid international adoptions:

  • Recognized foreign agencies (legally protected term)
  • state youth welfare offices
  • Youth Welfare Offices, after recognition by the State Youth Welfare Office as a placement agency abroad

Even after the adoption, these offices are still there for adoptive parents and can give advice in critical situations or refer them to other suitable offices.

You can find more advice and help with adoption here:

  • Eltern für Kinder eV is a non-profit association based in Berlin, which, however, places children from abroad nationwide.
  • The Protestant non-profit association for adoption and foster child mediation Rhineland eV mediates nationwide.
  • Herzenskind eV is an association that helps those interested in adopting in choosing the form of adoption, the adoption country, the appropriate agency and with the legal formalities.
  • The Adoptionskreis is a web project by adoptive parents, adoptees and parents of origin. Everyone involved in an adoption can exchange information on this page. The site aims to ensure that adoption issues are discussed fairly and openly.
  • The association for adoptive families with children from all over the world eV supports adoptive families with children from all over the world. They organize family camps that take place annually in Bad Bederkesa over the Ascension Day. Here the participating families can have fun together, exchange ideas, get advice and do further training.
  • Self-help groups exist in most major cities.

Selling Parents

Are you considering putting your child up for adoption or have you put a child up for adoption and want to talk about it? Then you will find advice and help here:

  • The Adoptionskreis is a web project by adoptive parents, adoptees and parents of origin already mentioned above.
  • The adoption counseling of the Styrian foster parents’ association offers a platform on which there are experience reports and specialist articles by and about parents who are giving up.
  • The Bavarian Youth Welfare Office answers many questions from mothers giving up online. It also provides a search engine that provides local advice and help based on the zip code you enter.

Anonymous speech

Do you want to remain anonymous beforehand, but still need help with the adoption? The Diakonie of the Evangelical Church in Germany offers anonymous online advice on the subject of adoption. An answer can be expected within two working days.

You can find out more about adoption in our article “ What requirements do you have to meet ” and “ The 10 most frequently asked questions about adoption ”. You can find a general overview on our “ Adoption ” page

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