Home remedies for diarrhea: These home remedies will help

Whether warm compresses, healing earth or certain types of tea – a number of home remedies against diarrhea can help your child. Many of these have proven themselves over many generations. Find out here which home remedies are effective for diarrhea.

What home remedies help with diarrhea?

There are a number of home remedies for  diarrhea that you can use. A basic distinction is made between pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory and intestinal cleansing home remedies. The pain-relieving home remedies aim to alleviate the side effects of diarrhea such as abdominal pain or stomach cramps. On the other hand, other home remedies have an anti-inflammatory effect, which means that when they are used, the intestines are cleaned of pathogens and thus freed.

Pain relief home remedies for diarrhea

Diarrhea is often accompanied by side effects such as abdominal pain or stomach cramps. Some tried-and-tested home remedies can help ease your child’s pain.

  • Hot water bottle against diarrhea: abdominal pain is a side effect of diarrhea. You can relieve your child’s abdominal pain by using a hot water bottle. Lay your child comfortably on the sofa or in bed. Since nausea or vomiting is often accompanied by diarrhea, support your child’s upper body with a pillow and also have a bowl ready in case they throw up. Now place a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on his stomach. This relaxes the muscles and has a pain-relieving effect.
  • Potato wraps against diarrhea: Potato wraps are just as effective for diarrhea and the associated abdominal pain as using a hot water bottle. Boil potatoes for this, which you then let cool down a bit. The potatoes should not be too hot for the wrap, otherwise there is a risk of burns for your child. Now mash the potatoes and spread them about an inch thick on a gauze bandage. Place the gauze bandage on your child’s stomach and then cover the wrap with another towel. Finally, leave the warm wrap on for 60 to 90 minutes until completely cool.

Anti-inflammatory home remedies for diarrhea

There are a number of home remedies for diarrhea that have an anti-inflammatory and intestinal cleansing effect. They help to flush pathogens out of the intestines, so that your child’s diarrhea subsides quickly and can thus quickly restore the intestinal flora.

  • Bananas can relieve several symptoms and side effects of diarrhea. The pectin contained in bananas is a water-soluble dietary fiber that swells in the intestines and initially “enlarges” the intestinal contents. This is what is meant when bananas are said to be constipating. In addition, the pectin also cleans the intestinal walls of pathogens by binding them to itself and transporting them out of the intestine. In addition, bananas are a good source of energy due to the carbohydrates they contain and also provide your child with plenty of potassium and magnesium. Since many minerals are flushed out of the body during diarrhea, eating bananas can compensate for this loss. A simple recipe for diarrhea is suitable, for exampleBanana Oatmeal .
  • Apples help with diarrhea by having a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the intestines. Like bananas, apples also have a high pectin content. Pectins swell up in the intestine, bind the pathogens to themselves and in this way clean the intestinal wall. Take advantage of this effect by grating 250g of raw and unpeeled apples and then letting them stand in the air until the “apple pulp” turns brown. Rubbing creates a larger surface area that can release even more pectin. Your child can eat the apple puree up to 5 times a day without hesitation.
  • Carrots in their raw form are high in pectin and can help your child with diarrhea. However, boiled carrots are even more effective, albeit in a different way. When the carrots are cooked, the smallest sugar molecules, so-called oligosaccharides, are formed. Their structure is similar to the receptors in the intestinal wall, so that the pathogens attach themselves to the sugar molecules instead of to them. In this way, the pathogens can be easily excreted from the body, which immediately leads to the diarrhea ending. If you have diarrhea, try the tried and tested Moro carrot soup .
  • healing clayis a special, fine sand composed of various minerals and trace elements. Essential components are potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and iron. Healing earth is able to absorb liquid and bind toxins. For this reason, it is ideal for diarrhea to calm the gastrointestinal tract and to replenish lost minerals. To use healing earth, one to two teaspoons are dissolved in half a glass of water or tea and taken. However, healing earth should under no circumstances be used in the case of kidney diseases or suspected intestinal obstruction. If you want to use healing earth for your child’s diarrhea, you should definitely consult a doctor beforehand.
Beware of the combination of cola and pretzel sticks! The well-known combination of cola and pretzel sticks does not harm adults with diarrhea. However, it is usually not particularly effective. However, it is absolutely unsuitable for children.Pretzel sticks balance the mineral balance in terms of sodium content. However, a lack of other important minerals such as potassium or chlorine persists.

Coke is high in sugar and caffeine and can actually make diarrhea worse. The loss of fluid is thus promoted if necessary.

Enema as a home remedy for diarrhea

An enema is very effective for intestinal problems such as diarrhea. The introduction of liquid through the anus into the intestine has an intestinal cleansing and intestinal relieving effect. An enema is an unusual but effective diarrhea measure that most parents struggle with for fear of hurting their child. If you are unsure, you can consult a pediatrician. He can help you with his tips.

  • Water and chamomile tea are suitable liquids for an enema for diarrhea. For this you can simply pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a liter of boiling water. The temperature for an enema should be around 30°C, because the cooler the enema, the stronger the irritation to the intestines.
  • So-called enemas are used for the application. You can get these in the pharmacy and in different sizes. Fill an enema with 100ml for a baby, 250ml for a toddler or 500ml for a schoolchild.
  • Lubricate the enema with petroleum jelly or oil for a gentle application.
  • Then gently insert the enema about three centimeters into your child’s anus. During the application itself, it is best for your child to lie on their stomach or on their side.
  • Then squeeze the enema firmly so that the liquid in it empties into your child’s intestines. Older children should try to tense the sphincter muscle when using it so that the liquid does not run out again straight away. With a toddler or a baby, you need to help by holding their buttocks together. Tip: Since children usually do not have their sphincter under control, it is best to put your child in the empty bathtub for the enema.

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