Hop, hop, hop, horse run gallop! text and notes

Carl Gottlieb Hering wrote the melody for this fun children’s song in 1807. Carl Hahn contributed the lyrics in the same year.

Here you will find the lyrics and sheet music for the children’s song “Hopp, hopp, hopp, Pferdechen run gallop!”.

Hop, hop, hop, horse run gallop!

1. Hop, hop, hop!
Horse, run a gallop!
Over sticks and stones,
but don’t break your legs.
Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop!
Horse, run a gallop!

2. Tip, tip, tap!
Don’t throw me off!
Tame your wild urges, little
horse, do it for my sake.
Tip, tip, tap!
Don’t throw me off!

3. Brr, brr, hey!
Stand up little horse, stand up!
If you want to jump further today
, you just have to bring you food first.
Brr, brr, hey!
Stand up, little horse, stand up!

4. Yes, yes, yes!
Yep, here we are!
Sister, father, dear mother,
can my horse find food too?
Yes Yes Yes!
Yep, here we are!

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