Jealousy after the breakup: How to overcome it

Jealousy after a breakup is particularly an issue when a new partner is involved or the ex is flirting. Sometimes, after a separation, there is still a shared apartment or house and you will notice immediately when a new love is in the offing with your ex-partner. Here are tips on how to best deal with jealousy.

How to fight post-breakup jealousy

If you have been with your partner for a long time, it can be particularly painful if he or she quickly falls in love again.

  • To avoid jealousy, you should avoid continuing to see your ex. Things like dividing up the items you bought together are therefore best done in one go and not in several appointments.
  • After a breakup, it usually helps to take your mind off things. A new hobby, a trip or other activities can help you to think differently and not to constantly deal with the separation.
  • Especially if you lived together, it makes sense that you quickly separate spatially. If you still see your partner every day, it is often even more difficult to let go.
  • If you have to stay in the same apartment for the time being, then if possible set times when only one or the other is in the apartment so that you don’t see each other too often.
  • In an emergency, the spatial problem can also be solved in such a way that one of the two rents a place from friends or relatives for a short time until he has found an apartment.
  • Jealousy can also occur in partners who initiated the separation. If the ex has found someone new, some would like to have their former partner back.

Don’t let jealousy arise in the first place

  • Delete your ex’s number and messages as soon as everything important has been clarified and then do not contact them again.
  • You shouldn’t check Facebook and Co. to see if your ex-partner has posted a new relationship status or pictures of a new partner.
  • Avoid empathizing with what you have experienced together. Again, jealousy often comes up when you think about the fact that the ex will have this experience again with the new partner. Try to think about your future and not stay in the past.
  • If you have not separated amicably, jealousy is often stronger. One part wants the separation, the other doesn’t. When someone is abandoned, there is often a feeling of loneliness. Here you should let your friends and family catch you, so that no too much jealousy can arise.
  • A non-consensual separation often leads to stalking. This means that one person cannot or does not want to accept the separation and pursues the other. If you feel this is affecting you, you should definitely seek help. The police will be happy to advise you, alternatively you can use telephone help.

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