Month 11 in your baby’s life: development at 44 weeks
The first year of life is slowly coming to an end and in the 11th month your baby is already ready to sit at the birthday table without your help. In this article, we will tell you what further developmental progress your baby is making in the 11th month.
Month 11: Baby development milestones
Movement: In terms of baby development, you can undoubtedly call the 11th month the crawling time. Your baby is bursting with energy and likes to use the opportunity to explore “the wider world” by crawling alone. If crawling becomes too strenuous for him or if he notices something interesting, your baby can sit down on his own without any problems because the sitting position is no longer a challenge for your baby. Development in this area is now complete.
The next goal in motor development is to perfect the art of locomotion in a vertical position. By the age of 44 weeks, the baby can not only stand, but also bend over and squat down. Your baby now likes to walk along furniture that he can hold on to a little.
Communication: At 44 weeks, the baby often already understands your moods and can usually follow your instructions. It understands when you say “no”, even if it still doesn’t always obey. It is very important during this time to set boundaries right from the start. In this way, your baby will learn the rules of living together faster, accept them and later be able to observe them better. However, make sure to treat your baby with lots of love and patience, even if they don’t do some things the first time.
In the 11th month it may be wise not to use the word “no” too often. Because if you often use it in connection with rather trivial things and situations, it can lead to a trivialization of the meaning. This can end up making it more difficult for your baby to obey you and respect your will later on. It is therefore best to use the word no only to protect the baby from danger.
Senses: The baby becomes more and more concentrated in the 11th month and can also occupy himself for longer periods of time. Its memory is already so great that it can recognize and assign the shapes and colors of different objects. No wonder – your baby is constantly working on developing this skill, for example by trying to imitate your mouth movements and various gestures. You can also support it with various gossip and movement games.
By the 11th month, the baby can consciously say “Mama” and “Papa”, which most parents enjoy very much. The number of words that your baby understands is increasing every day. And it won’t be long before your baby can pronounce it himself. You can encourage your baby to talk by actively listening. This will motivate your baby to keep practicing. Another advantage of listening is that your baby learns one of the most important rules of interpersonal communication at an early age.
Month 11: Baby-related appointments
Month 11: Tips for the 44 week old baby
Allergy is a problem that can even affect babies. So-called cross-allergies, i.e. additional allergic reactions to substances whose protein structure is similar to the actual allergen, cannot be ruled out. The only effective treatment today is simply avoiding contact with the allergenic substance. Learn more about allergies in children here .
bicycle seats and bicycle trailers
If your baby can sit up by himself in the 11th month, you will be able to go on a bike tour with him without any problems. However, only in a bicycle trailer or in a bicycle seat . Most bicycle seats are suitable for a weight of 9 to 22 kilograms.
Tips for early risers
Is your baby a real early riser? This does not necessarily have to be due to its nature, but can also be due to sleeping habits that need to be adjusted. With a few simple tips, your baby can learn to sleep longer and adjust to your rhythm better.
brushing the baby’s teeth
In the 11th month, your baby already has a few teeth that need to be properly cared for. With the help of toothbrush thimbles with bristles, you can combine dental care for your baby with a massage of the gums, which can also alleviate the discomfort your baby has when teething.