Parents’ evening at school: what is discussed?
The parents’ evening is the link between school and parents. You will receive important information about the developments in your child’s school class and can influence his or her everyday school life. Here you can find out how the parents’ evening works and which topics are discussed there.
Who is present at parents’ evening?
Your child’s class teacher will invite you to the first parents’ evening. On the parents’ evening itself, you have the opportunity to get to know the parents of your child’s school friends and those sitting next to you and to exchange ideas with them. Sometimes your child’s other subject teachers are also present at the parents’ evening.
When is the parents’ evening?
Parents’ evenings usually take place at the beginning of the school year. In this way, important questions and organizational matters can be clarified right from the start. Of course, it’s great if the parents’ evening takes place more than once a year, because the more often a parents’ evening takes place, the better you know about what’s going on at school and in your child’s class.
Good to know: While there are no regulations on the number of parents’ evenings in almost all federal states, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg provide for at least two parents’ evenings per school year.
What is done at parents’ evening?
On parents’ evenings, you meet other parents and your child’s teachers to be informed about events at the school, such as changes to the school or house rules. Topics related to your child’s class will also be discussed. However, the parents’ evening is not suitable for clarifying questions about individual students. If you would like to find out more about your child’s development at school, you should arrange a personal meeting with the teacher – for example on parents ’ day .
An important task that is pending at the parents’ evening is the election of the parents ‘ representative , also known as the parents’ council . The parents present can be nominated for the office of parent spokesperson or their deputy. The parents’ representative is usually elected for a period of one year in primary schools or two years in secondary schools by a simple majority at the first parents’ evening. Among other things, the parents’ spokesman assumes the tasks of representing the interests of parents and their children towards the school and organizing and leading future parents’ evenings.
What topics are discussed at parents’ evening?
At the parents’ evening you will be informed about all topics that affect you and your child with regard to school. You will also have the opportunity to discuss and consult with the other parents and teachers. Topics and content that are discussed at the parents’ evening are for example:
- Evaluation criteria for grading: According to which criteria are class tests and oral participation evaluated?
- Acquisition of teaching materials: Which textbooks should be bought? What practice materials do you recommend?
- Class community: How is the cohesion in the class? There are problems? Should there be a different seating arrangement?
- Difficulty with homework: is it too much or is it too difficult?
- Learning content and objectives: What is on the curriculum? What achievements do the students have to achieve?
- Apology Practice: What is the procedure if the child cannot go to school?
- Planning of school trips, excursions and project days
Why go to parents’ evening?
If you have the opportunity, you should definitely attend the parents’ evening. You are probably also curious about your child’s other parents and teachers. At the parents’ evening you can get to know them and form your own impression of them, because your child has probably already told you a lot.
In addition to the information relating to your child’s school class, you have the opportunity to ask questions yourself and to get involved. You can also ask your child beforehand whether there are certain things you should bring up at parents’ evening. For example, if they think the homework is too difficult, you can ask other parents if they have the same impression and work together with the teacher to find a solution.
By attending the parents’ evening, you are ultimately showing your child and the teachers that you are interested in everyday school life and that you are willing to get involved with your child and their school.