Scary Story for Kids: “Lea and the Graveyard Fright”

A scary story is a great program item for a Halloween party. In our scary story for children, Lea and her friends go to a cemetery and experience weird things there.

Read slowly, in a low voice:

The glow of the last street lamp on the outskirts of the village fades with every step. Before them lies nothing but darkness. “Where are we going?” Lea asks quietly. “To the cemetery.” Christian replies in a conspiratorial voice. “Or are you afraid?” Lea does indeed feel very uncomfortable. But she doesn’t want to admit that. After all, she is no longer a baby at the age of eight and her friends Sophie, Emma and Katharina, who are the same age, don’t seem to be afraid either. “We are witches, no one can harm us.” Sophie announces in a loud voice and demonstratively swings her broomstick.

Break. Read with normal intonation and volume:

It’s Halloween . Lea has been looking forward to today’s slumber party at Sophie’s for weeks. Up until now, the spectacle was great fun: With their witch costumes and funny Halloween games , the four friends put themselves in a spooky mood – and were looking forward to the highlight of the evening, the “Trick or Treat”. In doing so, they gave the people in the neighborhood a real scare and got hold of plenty of sweets on top of that. Christian, Sophie’s 14-year-old brother, accompanied the girls on the parade around the houses on the instructions of their parents.

Read slowly, in a low voice:

They now have an hour before they have to go home – enough time for a small, unscheduled trip to the outlying cemetery. Lea reluctantly follows Christian and her friends on the gravel path into the darkness. She would like to turn back. An evening visit to the cemetery – just the thought of it makes her shudder. And then there’s Halloween, the spookiest night of the year. What if they actually encounter evil spirits that want to possess their souls? At least Christian has a flashlight with him. So they can at least see the way well and quickly light up around them if they hear eerie noises.

Become more dramatic and louder when reading:

Ten minutes later, in the light of the flashlight, they can see the rusty entrance gate to the cemetery. Just at this moment, a strong wind is picking up. Leaves suddenly whirl around, terrible howling rustles through nearby trees and bushes. The gate flies open with a loud creaking. “HHHILLLFE!” croaks a hoarse voice. “HHHEELFFT MIIIR!”

Read quieter again:

Leah freezes in shock. Did she really just hear that or was it just her imagination? When she realizes that her friends have also stopped dead in their tracks, she is sure that they too heard the voice. Christian also makes a frightened impression. “HHHILLFFE!” it sounds again.

The girls start screaming, clinging to each other in fear. “Psst!” hisses Christian. “There’s someone in trouble. We have to help.” He uses his flashlight to illuminate the short stairway to the entrance gate. The troops freeze again: traces of blood. Those are definitely bloodstains on the gravel. “I’m scared,” whispers Sophie, her voice choking on tears. “Let’s go back, please,” Katharina begs. “I want to get out of here,” Emma sobs too. Lea can’t make a sound out of fear. But Christian doesn’t give up. “Somebody got hurt. i will check You wait here.”

Getting louder again:

A strong gust of wind slams the gate shut as soon as Christian has stepped through it. The girls cry bitterly, their fear is now unbearable. With their eyes closed, they hold each other tightly and pray that the spook will soon end. After what feels like an eternity, they hear a piercing scream. “That was Christian!” Sophie screams in panic. “Christian, Christian! What happened?” The girls shout as loudly as they can, but Christian doesn’t answer. “We have to call your parents!” screams Lea. “That doesn’t work, Christian has the mobile phone!” Sophie replies. “We’re going in there now and looking for Christian! Maybe he can’t hear us because of the wind.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Lea, Emma and Katharina finally agree. With all the courage they have gathered, the girls take a last deep breath, walk towards the gate and open it. A sea of ​​red, flickering grave lights appears in front of them. They carefully make their way through the rows of graves, which they can see fairly well in the glow of the candles. They call for Christian, but get no answer. When they stop to get their bearings, they suddenly hear footsteps behind them. Instinctively, the four friends hold hands and carefully turn around. A figure slowly approaches them.

Slightly longer, dramatic pause. Continue reading with normal emphasis and volume:

Sophie recognizes her brother: “Christian, you are impossible. You scared us almost to death!” she exclaims, angry and relieved at the same time. “I’ll tell mom and dad that, then you’ll be grounded.”

Become quieter again:

Christian still doesn’t answer. Instead, he keeps moving towards the girlfriends with rigid, robotic movements and arms outstretched. “Christian, you can stop now. We’ve had enough for today.” But Christian is undeterred. When he is only a few steps away from the girls, Lea sees traces of blood on Christian’s clothes. Her gaze wanders further up: There is a large wound on his neck. His face appears deathly pale even in the dim candlelight of the grave lights. Hatred sparkles from evil, bloodshot eyes with white pupils: “I’ll get you! I get you! You will die like Christian had to die…”

Particularly loud/frightening:

“Aaaahhhhh!!! Help!”

Normal emphasis and loudness:

Lea wakes up bathed in sweat. She is at home in her bed. Luckily it was all just a bad dream. Tonight’s Halloween sleepover is definitely not going to end like this. But she definitely won’t go to the cemetery.

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