Tennis for children: when is it suitable as a sport for children?

As a children’s sport, tennis is recommended for children from the age of five. This ball sport will improve the motor skills of the little players enormously. Find out here what exactly they learn in class and what equipment children need to play tennis.

When can children learn to play tennis?

Tennis is recommended for children from the age of five because coordination and balance are not yet developed enough. Note: Some tennis clubs also offer tennis specifically for children from the age of three.

What do children learn playing tennis?

Before the children can really start playing tennis, the little ones are first familiarized with the sport in general. In the beginning they train their coordination skills and learn to get a feel for the ball and racket. In addition to the stroke exercises, the little tennis players are taught the rules and techniques of the sport, but tactics are also part of the training plan.

How much do club tennis lessons cost?

You should calculate around 15 to 30 euros for a tennis lesson. It is best to inquire at the trial session what is included in these costs. For some clubs there are extra costs for the court rental and indoor tennis court.

How long is a tennis lesson?

The course units for tennis lessons vary from club to club. The training sessions usually last between 45 and 60 minutes.

Where can children learn tennis?

Children can learn tennis in various clubs. Perhaps friends of your children play themselves and your offspring could join the same club. Many clubs also have their own website where you can easily find out about the current offers. Ideally, you should arrange a taster course for your child in advance. This way you can get to know the trainer and the practice areas together.

Tennis for children: A year-round sport

Many clubs offer tennis camps, especially in the summer months. Children between the ages of 5 and 15 then have the opportunity to improve their skills and have fun with tennis.

What tennis equipment do children need?

  • Tennis racket: Children first need a racket to play tennis. Particularly practical: Many companies allow you to request test bats to try out. But your child’s coach can certainly give you a few good tips for a good tennis racket.
  • Tennis shoes: Children need two pairs of shoes to play tennis. Your offspring are not allowed to play in the hall with their street shoes, and vice versa, they should not play outdoors with indoor shoes either. When buying, make sure that the tennis shoes are not too small, as the foot swells a little during the game.
  • Tennis balls: Simply buy a set of four or six balls for your offspring.

Tennis for children: What skills does tennis promote?

  • Health: Tennis strengthens the entire musculature. This prevents postural damage, among other things.
  • Motor skills: Ball training promotes hand-eye coordination.
  • Cognitive Skills: Tennis teaches children to better assess their bodies and abilities.
  • Social skills: The positive experiences while playing strengthen the self-esteem and self-confidence of your offspring.

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