14 things you’re guaranteed to do between Christmas and New Year
Annoying family reunions, stressful gift exchanges and endless hamster purchases in overcrowded supermarkets: Between Christmas and New Year’s Eve nerves are on edge. Here we have put together a list of 14 things that you ALWAYS experience between the holidays.
1. Vow never to eat again
Honestly, we all know this resolution. At the latest after the duck, the beans in bacon, the potato salad with the sausages, the cakes, the roast and the dumplings, we decide never to touch a fork with food again – and we mean it deadly seriously.
2. Curse your children’s gifts
You thought they were cute when you bought them in the store – now the singing and squeaking toys are getting on your nerves. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they gave you the catchy tune of the century, they just fly everywhere. All over.
3. But eat something again
The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak: At the latest when the second wave of relatives spills over, you have to realize it: All the plans you have made for moderation can be thrown overboard between the years. Without a lifebelt. It’s just useless.
4. At least one family member wanting to cut off a head
When the family comes together, it is rarely peaceful. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the little ones arguing loudly about gifts or the uncle who is distantly related and has had another drink beyond his thirst and is now bullying – someone always steps out of line.
5. Being in a feeding coma
Your belt only closes in the outermost hole and you seem to have grown together with the sofa? Would you like to never move again anyway? Take comfort: We know the feeling – we feel the same way. Maybe we’ll finally stick to the food resolution. Maybe.
6. Gift exchange…
…in the post-apocalyptic Christmas stress. Exchanging gifts right after Christmas is a bad strategic idea. Sure, you want to get things done quickly and provide a replacement if necessary – but everyone has this idea. Wait a minute, it’s much less stressful that way.
7. Wanting to get an awful lot done
If it weren’t for the comfy couch, the aftermath of the binge eating and the fantastic TV programming. Children’s films all day! The best thing about it: you remember classics like “Three hazelnuts for Cinderella” from your childhood. Pure nostalgia feeling! And finally some relaxation.
8. Getting sick
After the worst stress is over, it knocks you completely off your feet. The reason: The cold you’ve been catching is finally breaking through. The timing doesn’t suit you at all, after all, New Year’s Eve is just around the corner. But better listen to your body. He needs a break!
9. Become a regular at the supermarket
Actually, you don’t want to be there that often, but somehow there’s always something missing for the perfect holidays. Despite a meticulously kept shopping list, you can always think of one thing that you ABSOLUTELY need to round off the menu or to make your loved ones happy.
10. Start panicked searches
You’ve been desperately looking for the raclette grill in the basement for hours – only to realize afterwards that it was in the attic the whole time. We all know these searches. They are particularly challenging when children are involved.
11. Set up the master plan for next year
And resolve to plan more. What you won’t do Like every year. Somehow we just can’t be as well prepared as we would like. Something ALWAYS happens – and our beautiful planning goes down the drain. law of nature.
12. Making a resolution to only give the kids one sparkler
One. Only. sparkler. That’s enough. After all, they are still too young to celebrate with the big ones. New Year’s Eve is already dangerous enough. You will understand that – you think. The fact is that once the candle has burned out, the disappointment is great when there is no second one.
13. Let yourself be thrown around
Actually, they are still much too small to crack. But when the eyes shine and the pleading and begging begins, even the toughest mother cannot remain steadfast. Under supervision, you light up a firecracker with them (and are probably more afraid of it than the short ones).
14. Spending a wonderful evening surrounded by loved ones
At the latest when the clock strikes midnight, all stress is forgotten. Now only the moment counts – and it is simply beautiful. All the people you love have come together and toast the new year with you – and everyone does it with a big smile on their face.