10th month of pregnancy: 37th to 40th week of pregnancy

The countdown is running. You are in the 10th month of pregnancy. 97 percent of all babies have now reached their final birth position.


10th month of pregnancy: your baby

In the 10th month of pregnancy (37th to 40th week of pregnancy) the unborn child has no more room to do somersaults.

  • The fetus is now lying head down, ideally in the pelvis and buttocks cross-legged at the top of the uterus.
  • Now all organs are fully developed and mature.
  • All of your senses are trained for life outside of your belly – the sense of taste is particularly sensitive. Never again will your child have as many taste buds on their tongue as they did just before birth.
  • Your antibodies protect your child from all diseases that you have become immune to over the course of your life.
  • In the last month of pregnancy, the baby gains about 100 to 200 grams per week.
  • The child’s entire body becomes plumper. Since it sucks its finger again and again, the strong sucking muscles make the face look fuller.
  • The protective lanugo hair has now disappeared and the cheese smear is only a thin film on the skin.
  • By swallowing up to three liters of amniotic fluid every day and then excreting it as urine, the baby trains the bladder and kidneys.

10th month of pregnancy: Your body

Towards the end of the 10th month of pregnancy (37th to 40th week of pregnancy), your baby just barely fits into the uterus, its head is in the pelvis and can hardly move anymore. You too feel the child’s massive downward pressure. Your waist circumference now measures about 1 meter! The skin is massively stretched. The best way to care for them is to apply lotion regularly.

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