35th week of pregnancy: The 35th week of pregnancy at a glance
At the end of the 35th week of pregnancy, your baby would be able to breathe on his own should he be born too early. Your child’s digestive system and central nervous system are also almost mature in the 35th week of pregnancy. Your child is already becoming completely independent.
Your baby’s development in the 35th week of pregnancy
At the end of the 35th week of pregnancy, the lungs of your approximately 45 centimeters tall and 2,500 grams heavy baby are fully developed. If it now comes to premature ways anda premature birth, the child can usually breathe independently. In 99 percent of cases, therefore, it would not require intensivemedical care. The digestive system and the central nervous system are also almost mature.
In male babies, the testicles have lowered, which means that they have migrated from the inside of the small abdomen into the scrotums. But there are exceptions. Some boys are born withso-called undescended testicles. In most cases, the testicles then lower until the sixth month of life. In order to strengthen itself for the birth, the baby gains another 1000 grams of weight in the next five weeks. His immune system now works independently of yours.
Your body in the 35th week of pregnancy
Since even eating becomes difficult, since the stomach is quite constricted, your appetite suddenly decreases in the 35th week of pregnancy. Sometimes you may also feel mild nausea. In order to still be able to absorb enough calories, it is best to eat small meals throughout the day. This also reducesfrequent heartburn. Meanwhile, your blood volume has also risen to the maximum that can be reached during pregnancy. Your circulation has to work at full speed and you carry a lot around with you.
So it is not surprising that in the 35th week of pregnancy even the walk to the supermarket around the corner feels like an arduous day’s march. Nevertheless, take enough time for your paths, do not rush and accept the pace as you can. Everything else only brings frustration andlets you get out of breath. Even sudden sciatica pain can now bring the breath to a standstill.
What does my baby look like in the 35th week of pregnancy?
Questions about the 35th week of pregnancy
What helps with sciatica pain?
When the baby presses against the sciatic nerve during his child’s movements, it makes itself felt with a pulling pain from the buttocks to the back thigh. In case of sudden pain when standing or running, you should immediately relieve the spine and, for example, support yourself at a table and shake out the leg and buttocks.
What helps with restless legs syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome occurs during pregnancy in 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women. This results in an annoying pulling or burning sensation as well as pain, numbness, tearing or tingling in the legs. The symptoms occur only in resting situations. The result is sleep disorders.
The symptoms can actually only be alleviated by exercise. If you feel very impaired by this, medication can help. However, their use must be carefully weighed, because the usual remedy for this complaint is actually not approved for pregnant women. Normally, the symptoms disappear in the first weeks after birth.
Tips and hints for the 35th week of pregnancy
Back pain and herniated disc
The fact that backpainoccurs in 30 percent of pregnant women is due to the hormone relaxin. It ensures that the ligaments that hold the spine loosen. In addition, the spine is more heavily loaded during pregnancy anyway. A real herniated disc is fortunately very rare.
Back exercises are good for your stressed back
Make cat hump and hammock every day so that the back muscles can relax. Go into the quadruped position, take a deep breath and go into the hollow back. Exhale slowly and make your back as round as possible, pulling your chin to your chest at the same time. Five to ten repetitions are good. A massage by the partner or a masseur or osteopath can also relieve the pain.
Maternity protection begins
If you are employed,maternity leave begins in the 35th week of pregnancy. But don’t use maternity leave too much to do things that may have been left behind. Above all, maternity protection means taking care of oneself and not overexerting oneself.
Raspberry leaf tea for birth preparation
For birth preparation, you can now drink two to three cups ofraspberry leaf teadaily, which makes the tissue softer and more relaxed.