7th to 9th month: Your baby recognizes moods
Your baby is making great strides in terms of language. It can not only form and imitate individual syllables, but also recognize moods.
At the age of seven to nine months, your child will make tremendous progress, especially in terms of language development. It starts chattering away happily. It’s the time when most children say “Mom” or “Dad” for the first time, to the delight of their parents. These two words are formed from exactly the syllables that your baby can already read from your lips. Because syllables such as “ma”, “ba” or “pa” are particularly easy to hear and can be recognized by clear lip movements. On the other hand, “sch” or “ch” are more difficult sounds because they can hardly be read from the lips. Volume and pitch also vary audibly. Of course, your baby is not yet ready to express something specific. However, it is clearly practicing human communication by mimicking your flow of speech.
ToggleTalk to your child a lot
Talk to your child a lot and name objects. Explain to him what you are doing. As a result, your child will understand that objects have specific names and remember them. Touching an object and the name of it can also be instructive. For example, touch your child’s toe and say “toe.”
Tip: Singing is also a suitable means of promoting language. It doesn’t matter whether you sing well or not, your child will listen with great pleasure and learn how to use language in a playful way. You can find suggestions and tips for this in our children’s song special .
Your baby recognizes moods
As soon as it can read your lips, it now also recognizes your mood. Do you sound happy or angry? Do you sound relaxed or sad? Babies have a seventh sense for such moods because they hear them in your voice. You can easily tell that they are doing this because they will react accordingly. If you yell, your baby will quickly start crying. If you are happy, it will laugh with you.
More information on communication in the first year of life
Would you like to know what your baby has already learned in terms of communication and what you can expect in the next few weeks? Then click on the following posts:
- 1st month : Contacting a newborn
- 1st to 3rd month : Your baby cries, squeaks, chuckles
- 4th to 6th month : First laughter and squeaks
- 10th to 12th month : The first words
In our specials “ Learning to speak ” for the first year of life and “ Language development ” for infancy, you will learn more about the development of your child’s communication and language.
development in other areas
Also find out how your baby is developing in other areas at the age of seven to nine months:
- Movement: Your baby becomes mobile
- Nutrition: The healthy mix
- Sleep: Sleeping can become more difficult
- Senses: Sensory development and the urge to discover
- Growth: height, weight and other developments
- Growth spurt: Your baby’s 8 growth spurts