When is a child a cry baby?
Every baby cries – not only when hungry or when the diaper is full. If your baby cries for more than three hours a day without you being able to see a reason, it may be a cry baby. You can read here what it means to have a crying baby and how you can deal with it.
One to two hours of crying a day is normal for an infant. If a child cries more, it may be a so-called “cribbing baby”. The so-called rule of three states that children who cry for more than three hours three days a week for at least three weeks are referred to as crying babies. Experts also speak of “excessive crying in infancy”.
How long are babies cry babies?
The phenomenon of “cribbing baby” is quite widespread. Studies show that 8-29 percent of all infants are crying babies in the first trimester. It usually begins around the second week of life and lasts until the fourth or sixth month at the latest, in rare cases even longer.
How do you recognize a cry baby?
In addition to the above-average crying phases, which usually intensify in the evening hours, cry babies have other characteristics. They are usually difficult or impossible to calm down. They also have a low stimulus threshold: once they are calm, even a little thing can quickly upset them again. When they scream, they often spasm their whole bodies and arch their backs like a cat arch, their heads turn red and they stop breathing briefly. Cry babies often suffer from overstimulation and fatigue, and sleep only occurs when they are totally tired. Breastfeeding problems can also occur more frequently.
Why is the baby a cry baby?
The causes of excessive crying in infants are not clear. Stress, depression and problems during pregnancy are discussed as causes, as is disturbed parent-child interaction. If your child is crying excessively, you should definitely speak to your pediatrician to rule out that your child has an illness or internal injuries. You should also clarify whether your child is not in a growth phase. Babies cry more often during these times. Another reason for inconsolable crying can also be colic, which typically occurs in the first few months of a baby’s life.
What can you do if your child is a cry baby?
Realize that this phase will pass. This may make it easier for you to deal with your baby’s excessive crying. In general, you can observe the following points to make things as easy as possible for you and your baby during this difficult time:
- Always calm your child down gently, for example by gently stroking it or speaking to it softly. You should avoid complex calming actions with lots of toys or violent rocking movements, as they can lead to further sensory overload in your baby.
- Make sure you have a structured daily routine with fixed sleeping and eating times and times for activities. In this way you not only counteract your child’s fatigue, you also give him a feeling of security and make the daily routine predictable.
- If you haven’t been able to successfully soothe your baby after five to ten minutes, she may just want to be left alone. If this happens, stop trying to calm her down for about five minutes and then try again. Maybe your baby will also manage to calm himself down during this time.
- Rhythmic or rocking movements also often help to calm the child. Suitable for this are, for example, an exercise ball, carrying with or without a sling, riding in a bassinet or pram, a hanging nest or a cradle. Just make sure the movements aren’t too violent.
- In the case of restless infants up to the sixth week of life, it is also advisable to swaddle the baby . The baby is wrapped tightly with a special technique. This usually has a calming effect.
- Do a lot with your child. You don’t want him to feel like he gets your attention especially when he’s screaming.
- Try to relieve your child of possible colic by massaging it. You can also achieve this with a spelled or cherry stone pillow. If you are breastfeeding, try to avoid foods that cause gas.
If nothing helps, it is best to make an appointment with a cry outpatient clinic or a parent-child counseling service.