Anton app for children: Learn online for school

School children can learn for free and in a playful way with the Anton app. In this article you will find out which subjects the program covers and how it works.

Anton app: Learning made easy

Anton is a learning app for schools that wants to make learning fun. There are more than 100,000 tasks available for this, summarized in over 200 different exercise types. Learning games and interactive explanations loosen up the exercises. Stars and cups, which are awarded for each exercise, serve as an additional motivational driver. Six stars or cups collected are then automatically converted into one coin. Your child can use the coins to “buy” an exciting Anton game, for example. This can make school learning easier.

These subjects are offered

Children learn easier with Anton. The topics are prepared to match the curriculum. The learning app includes the subjects German, math , general studies, biology, German as a second language and music for grades one to ten. The individual areas are subdivided again.

  • Math includes, among other things, the topics of fractions, mental arithmetic, learning to count, the rule of three or functions.
  • In the German section , the little ones learn the individual letters and first reading , while older students can practice placing commas or sentence structure.
  • The science lessons for grades one to four cover topics such as plants, animals, the weather, the solar system, as well as technical (e.g. electricity) and history (e.g. knights).
  • In the field of music , the first topics of music lessons are dealt with. So it’s about reading notes and recognizing rhythm.
  • Practical: Your child can use the search function (magnifying glass in the upper area of ​​the application) to search for specific topics.

Learning via app – free of charge and without advertising

Like most learning and school apps, such as Antolin , Anton’s offering is free of annoying ad content and free. A free account can be created by the teachers. Teachers can create school registers and assign tasks in the app. Each student will then receive a login. This means that he can use the program from anywhere – at school, from home or when he is visiting grandma and grandpa.

There is also a kind of upgrade that can be booked. Anton Plus is a paid additional program with more games and the option of using Anton offline, i.e. without an Internet connection. With Anton Plus Family, up to four other members also have access to Anton Plus. With Anton Plus Lehrer, teachers have the opportunity to learn with up to five school classes.

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