Children’s shoe size table: what size does my child need?

Do you find it difficult to find out what shoe size your child has, or are you curious about the size of other children of the same age? We give you an overview of the international children’s shoe sizes.

International children’s shoe sizes

With this size table, you can easily compare your children’s shoe sizes with those of other children and see whether they are within the norm. Of course, there’s no need to worry if they’re above or below normal, exceptions prove the rule. After all, the shoe sizes within the family always influence the shoe size of your child. If both parents have large feet, it is likely that your child will also need slightly larger shoes than perhaps other children of the same age group.

If you would also like to know which children’s shoe sizes are available in America or Japan – you will also find the answer in the shoe size table. This international information is also subdivided according to the age of the child.

Size EuropeUS sizeJapan sizeto length in cmuntil age
17//10.73 months
18/8 1/2116 months
1919 1/211.69 months
20210 1/212.312 months
21311 1/21315 months
22412 1/213.718 months
23513 1/214.321 months
24614 1/21524 Months
25715 1/215.62 years
268th16 1/216.33 years
27917174 years

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