Circle games: The Plumpsack goes around

Plumpsack is one of the best-known children’s games and is also suitable for small children. In this game at least 7 children sit in a circle and one child runs around the circle with the sack. Behind whom does the dump sack stay?

Age: from 3 years

Number: at least 8 players

What you need: 1 plump bag

The Plumpsack goes around – that’s how it works

The dump sack can be, for example, a small bag or a knotted handkerchief. The children sit in a circle and sing the Plumpsack song:

“Don’t turn around,
the slob goes around.
Anyone who turns around or laughs
gets their hump turned blue.”

A child carries the sack around the circle and tries to drop the sack behind someone unnoticed. The affected player must take the slugsack and try to catch up with the slugsack bearer before he reaches the empty space in the circle. The slower one becomes the slugbag carrier of the next round. If a child doesn’t notice the dumpbag behind them for a full lap, they immediately become carriers.

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