Dog, cat and Co.: pets during pregnancy?

Anyone who owns a dog, cat or other pet during pregnancy asks themselves whether they should distance themselves from their beloved animal or even house it somewhere else for the duration of the pregnancy. However, if you follow a few rules, keeping pets during pregnancy and after the birth is not a problem.

Pets during pregnancy: what do you have to consider?

Small animals should be kept clean, so these pets usually pose no danger to you or your child during pregnancy. Dogs and cats should be vaccinated and dewormed. It is important that you wash your hands thoroughly after each contact with the animals so that you do not pick up any pathogens when preparing or eating food.

Attention toxoplasmosis: be careful when coming into contact with cats

In the case of cats, special hygiene measures must also be taken. Toxoplasmosis bacteria can be found in cat feces, which can be very dangerous for pregnant women and their children . The risk of miscarriage or brain damage can be serious consequences of toxoplasmosis infection. Symptoms of a toxoplasmosis infection are similar to those of a common cold.

Most cat owners have already been infected with toxoplasmosis and are immune to this pathogen because they have survived the infection. If you are not sure whether you have such immunity, you should have a toxoplasmosis test done by a doctor. If you have never had toxoplasmosis, it is better to let your partner clean the litter box during pregnancy. If you became infected with toxoplasmosis pathogens during pregnancy, you must be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy should last at least four weeks so that all pathogens can be killed.

This is how you get your pet used to the baby

It is a change for your dog or cat when suddenly a small baby is part of the family. You should prepare your pet for the arrival of your baby to avoid jealousy on the part of the animal.

  • Already during pregnancy you should give your dog or cat the opportunity to explore the baby’s new room, cot or toys. However, never leave your dog or cat alone and unattended in the children’s room. After all, that’s not allowed when the child is there either. For this reason, it is good if you get your pet used to this rule before the new family member arrives, so that there are no misunderstandings in the upbringing.
  • While you are still in the hospital with your newborn, your partner should bring home a diaper or item of clothing your baby was previously wearing for your pet to smell. This way, it can recognize your baby’s smell the first time they meet and immediately accept your child as a member of the family.
  • Make sure you give your pet enough attention even after your baby is born. Praise and include your dog or cat in your daily routine. In this way you avoid misconduct due to jealousy.

According to recent Swedish research, pets have a positive effect on babies. The likelihood of developing an allergy drops by 80 percent if the child is born into a household with pets.

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