Herpes in children: what helps against herpes?
In our children’s diseases dictionary you will find information on the causes and the best treatment options for children’s diseases from A to Z.
herpes in children
Cold sores, also known as cold sores, often appear during the cold season. Because weakened defenses and dried out mucous membranes make it easy for the herpes virus to spread. Babies can become infected from their parents, and children often infect each other when they play in close contact.
herpes virus
The cause of cold sores is the herpes simplex virus type 1. It is transmitted through direct contact (e.g. kissing), droplet infection (e.g. coughing, sneezing, speaking) and smear infection (e.g. sharing a drinking glass). There are usually two to twelve days between infection and the onset of the disease. The first infection usually occurs in childhood between three and five years.
Symptoms: cold sores
The first signs of illness are a feeling of tension and tingling on the skin. The affected areas hurt and itch. Small, weeping blisters form on the lips and around the mouth. But the blisters can also spread to the rest of the facial skin, eg at the entrance to the nose, on the cheeks or earlobes. Sometimes the eyes are also affected. The blisters usually heal without leaving scars, but have a tendency to come back, for example with fever, infections, strong sun exposure or skin irritation.
treat herpes
Lip herpes is an unpleasant thing. It is particularly difficult if your child is still very small and does not understand that it must not scratch the itchy areas and that kissing is prohibited. You should immediately treat your child’s affected areas of skin with an anti-herpes remedy. Particular caution is required if a blister rash has already formed. The contents of the vesicles are highly infectious. Avoid direct contact and apply the anti-herpe agent with a clean handkerchief or cotton swab.
Herpes is contagious
You can reduce the risk of infecting each other with cold sores: If a family member is acutely affected, you should not share glasses, cutlery and towels. Kissing and cuddling are strictly forbidden during this time. Never touch the cold sores with your fingers because they contain the most infectious viruses. Only apply anti-herpes with cotton swabs and wash your hands afterwards.